Contact Heather Larson of Destiny Architecture® Yoga, Meditation, Reiki & Life Coaching

Contact Heather Larson of Destiny Architecture® Yoga, Meditation, Reiki & Life Coaching
Photo by Denis Oliveira / Unsplash

Contact me through the form with any questions. (Do not solicit me, if you're interested in the podcasts, go here).

About Heather Larson

Teaching Yoga, Meditation, Reiki—and Coaching you to your most fulfilled!

Hi, and welcome! I'm a certified yoga teacher, meditation teacher, certified coach, Reiki Master, writer, and podcaster.

Yoga & Meditation

My passion is to help people who normally wouldn't meditate or do yoga to not only try these things but excel at them. I want you to become as passionate about them as I am because they work for you!


I offer transformational life coaching to help you get out of your own way, change careers, and join the creator economy. (In whatever order works for you). I help you make & break habits, stay sober, and make self-care a reality. I meet you where you're at to coach you on what you need most.

I believe we are at our best as creators when we take care of ourselves first. Destiny Architecture® is the blueprint for your wellness and I'm its facilitator.


I've studied Reiki since 2012 and have been a Master since 2014. I've studied in two systems: Usui Reiki and the Eastern path of Shoden, Okuden, and Shinpiden Reiki. My teachers' lineage is through Frans Steine and the International House of Reiki.

My preference in all I do is to lean heavily on the tradition of the East—and do it all 100% sober.

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