How To Read Energy*
Take this first "lesson" and run with it. I hope this helps awaken you to the possibilities of what you can do once you start working with your energy. Since my goal as an energetic coach is to get you to unlock your own personal "owner's manual," let's start with how to read your own energy.
*Your mileage may vary.
The key here is that reading energy is like anything else—it takes practice.
So take this first "lesson" and run with it. I hope this helps awaken you to the possibilities of what you can do once you start working with your energy. Since my goal as an energetic coach is to get you to unlock your own personal "owner's manual," let's start with how to read your own energy. It may be enticing to read others, but let's start with the one human on this planet you can change and even outsmart—you.
Why You Want To Read Your Own Energy
Energy reading isn't an exact science; we all do it differently. I read through images and they don't all make sense to me 100% of the time. When I start channeling Reiki to a client, it's a light and image show. (Again, your mileage may vary).
We see through a variety of lenses in our daily lives, which I think yoga covers pretty well. We have internal and external programming. We get caught up in feelings, beliefs, and opinions that can cloud our judgment. Most of the time, our ego fights to take the wheel.
Beneath all the layers is the thing that doesn't lie—energy.
This takes some self-study—or what yoga calls svadhyaya—to get beyond the layers and how we hide them from ourselves. I find what we call "my truth" is not truthful or timeless. Departing from that idea can be freeing. Thoughts are cages; energy frees. It's something to lean into. So how do you do that?
How To Read Your Energy
You may think I'm about to tell you to meditate for two hours daily. I mean, if you can, great! Do it. But for practical matters, how do you read it on the fly? Like when you're driving or at work and need to make important choices on the fly?
How do you check in with your energy for guidance?
In Reiki, I look for various clues about a client. I let Reiki guide me, but I also look at body language, the colors the client chose to wear, and what their aches and pains tell me. Then I head into the chakras...

For example, I'm working with my root chakra right now. To do this, I'm diving into issues around family, ancestry, abundance, security, and transformation. How did I know this was needed?
For one, recent events in my life made it obvious. I also had a hypnotherapy deep dive facilitated by the wondrous Becca of Lumen Healing! During our session, my higher self told me I'd forgotten my root chakra.
Much healing is to be had here... Because I missed the clues for a few weeks. I'd inadvertently wear a lot of red, the color of the root chakra. I was attracted to all things red, from strawberries to flowers... And, above all, my strong desire to live a more calm and "normal" life after years of adrenaline pumping (as the root chakra governs the adrenals).
If you need to do some root chakra healing, you may also find yourself obsessed with reds, having aches or pains in the pelvic floor area, family issues, fear of moving forward... Or maybe you've not gone down the path of moving your Kundalini...yet. Because that's where we start—at the root!
Of course, I can go deeper if you're a Reiki practitioner. 😉
How are you reading your energy today? Some ideas:
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