🌟How to Add Journaling to Your Meditation Practice⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 7/10/23

🌟How to Add Journaling to Your Meditation Practice⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 7/10/23
Photo by Jan Canty / Unsplash

In these hot, "dog days of summer," it's an excellent time to go within. Not just "indoors," but the entire point of this mind-body wellness stuff is to go within yourself and find out what's in there!

How Journaling Helps Your Meditation Practice

I recently found a goldmine of meditation information. It was my meditation journal I'd kept in 2015! I found the tiny thing stuffed in a box and had forgotten it had even existed.

It showed me:

  • All my ridiculous racing thoughts from when I started (like, hey, you're normal!)
  • Stages of frustration followed by small breakthroughs ("Today, I got 4 minutes of uninterrupted peace!)
  • Exactly how frazzled I was when I started out (2015 was a rough year).

Best of all, it showed me how far I've come, how my inner thoughts have evolved, and what it was like to be an absolute beginner now that I'm...less of a beginner.

You see, I cling to being a beginner. I love learning, growing, evolving, and blossoming. I'll never be a master at meditation in the sense that I won't be the robe-wearing nun in the monastery who meditates in silence for days on end.

I'm a modern human, a "house holder" as yoga says. I live in a loud city, with a job, and tons of psychological stuff happening. I think that's each of you reading this, too.

The benefits of meditation for us will be finding peace in traffic jams, dealing with the work-related stress of our sedentary knowledge jobs, and navigating a world of constantly changing goal posts: inflation, student loans, changing laws, politics, safety, health, etc.

When you meditate regularly, you'll be triggered less by the above laundry list of events. You'll discover progress in your self-awarenss. It can be something you just feel into or you can chart your progress by journaling.

That's why I created this 30-day meditation journal so you can give it a try. Write down progress, thoughts, moods, insights and more. Plan out your meditation times ahead or track your practices once complete. You have options to journal your practice across 130 pages!

30-Day Meditation Journal (130 pages, PDF) — Destiny Architecture
Download this 130-Page Meditation Journal I designed to help you through your new meditation practice. It’s designed for a 30-day journey, but you can also start with a week or 21 days. It’s a PDF file you can print out. I recommend saving some trees and by downloading the PDF file to the Notabili

Reiki This Weekend at White Dove!

The final Saturday of the month brings you chakra-balancing Reiki—with a few extra dates mixed in as I can—at White Dove in Wichita! ‌‌

For July 2023, there are two more Reiki dates left—the 15th and 29th! ‌‌

I’m getting into an “every other weekend” schedule for summer with dates for the rest of 2023:

  • July 15, 29
  • August 12, 26
  • September 2, 16, 30
  • October 21, 28
  • Off for November & December‌‌

Half-hour chakra-balancing sessions cost $40. One-hour sessions are NEW and ON SALE right now for $69.

Also new is the Reiki Healing Pathway. Allow 90 minutes for this transformative healing session that includes an aura clearing, healing attunement, and Reiki session. The cost is $125.

I’m also available for Distance Reiki (Enkaku Chiryo) as well if you can’t make it to an in-person session or want an energy tune-up outside my White Dove dates.

Walk-ins are always welcome!

White Dove is located at 2947 E. Kellogg (on the frontage road). You can always call us at (316) 262-3683 or email me directly to hold your spot at destinyarchitecture@gmail.com.

I accept cash, card, CashApp, and Bitcoin lightning ⚡️ payments.‌‌‌‌‌‌

On sale at White Dove this month... Through July, all our Soapstone Spirit Animals and Stone animal Totems are on sale for 10% off. We have a real large selection of various spirit animals for your choosing.

The Destiny Architecture Blueprint is brought to you this week by Boom.

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Last week's newsletter ⬇️

🌟 Make it Your Summer of Healing Energy & Meditation⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 7/5/23
You will now also receive 10% off Private Meditation Instruction with me! I just added this service this week because I know sometimes, you don’t want to learn in a group and that’s OK.

The Latest Meditation for Subscribers:‌‌‌‌

A Guided Meditation with a Rainstorm to Cleanse Your Energy ☔️

Guided Meditation with a Rainstorm to Cleanse Your Energy
Meditation membership + a monthly New Moon 🌚 group. Join certified meditation teacher Heather Larson as she weaves Reiki + yoga into your healing journey & be the architect of your own destiny.

ICYMI: Self-Care Is So Vital, We Can't Allow it to Be Cheapenend.

Rotting isn't self-care! This is a perfect example of, "Just because it's trendy doesn't mean it's good/right." Rotting in bed motionless all day? That's a cry for help. Rest is one thing, this trend is another. If the parameters of your life are so far out of control you'd rather "bed rot," please seek help.

Self-care is far more important than this.

Your body needs movement, motion, and light. Challenges and stress require a toolbox of important skills. Emotions are to be processed. And self-care isn't playing dead in your bed. Not cool.

Self-care is many things. It's boring. It's paying bills, cleaning the house, and replacing old socks when they get holes. It's the 2014 "sheet mask and bath bomb." It's also going to the gym and eating vegetables like a damn adult. It IS adulting! It is also seeing Taylor Swift with your friends, calling a loved one on the phone, and turning off social media notifications so you can have peace.

Need help with your self-care? I'm covering it in some fresh blog posts.

Curated Content for Content Creators (Who Also Care Deeply About Personal Development) ‌‌‌‌

Social media is fracturing. Twitter is getting worse and its alternatives are popping up like crazy. There's now T2, Bluesky, Nostr, and Threads!

Follow me on Threads @heatherlarson (Same as my Instagram & Twitter).

New Complimentary Self-Care Journaling download

I've been making some new digital planners, worksheets, and workbooks like crazy! If you want to create a nightly journaling routine that's both simple and challenging, try this ⬇️

4 Daily Self-Care Journaling Questions to Help You Grow

Learn about life coaching here.

Learn about meditation and give it a try. Sign up for the meditation membership here.

Listen to (and follow) 270+ episodes of the Destiny Architecture podcast.

Snag software discounts, my minimalism eBook, and more.

Need an eBook on personal development or a life coaching worksheet?

Have I helped you with something BIG in life? Spread the love and pay it forward with a testimonial! 😊

Find me on Open Path Healing Arts Collective for life coaching on a sliding scale.

You can email me at destinyarchitecture@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading this week's Destiny Architecture Blueprint! This is the newsletter for content creators interested in personal development. I'm Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified 100-hour Meditation Teacher, & Usui Reiki Master Heather Larson, and I believe being a side-hustling content creator requires a ton of great self-care: Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, and more. So join me on this journey by hitting the "subscribe" button!

You can always support this newsletter by leaving a tip. 🙏 ‌‌‌‌