10 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

Since I'm a brand-new life coach, I thought I'd do a blog about me, just so you can get to know me, life coach Heather Larson, better. But I can't do a boring, "About Me," blog. No bios here on the blog!

Let's do some bullet points with photos! That's way more fun.

You may as well know what you're getting into when you hire me as your life coach! (Scroll down for a ton of photos).

1. I worked in radio broacasting forever

I started doing radio in college a hundred years ago, which is exactly 1998, which is when we used to cut tape in what stone age cave people call analog recording. It was super forward-thinking for Ohlone College to install a ShortCut 360 digital audio editor in our on-air studio!

I did mostly morning radio on KZZP Phoenix and KDGS Wichita, both were CHR-Rhythmic formats, or "top 40" as some would call it. To mention more would take forever.

You can hear my past work on SoundCloud.

2. I'm a crazy cat lady.

I've rescued three kitties to date. They are my current fur babies Meeko and Roo as well as the late Alcatraz. I'm a sucker for animals. If I find a lost dog, I won't rest until I find its humans.

3. I am a proponent of medical research.

I support UCSF Memory and Aging Center in San Francisco -- and by support, I mean I let them use me as a guinea pig. A neurodegenrative prion disease called CJD runs in my family and I'm determined to do my part to help research a cure.

Check out my CJD blog here.

I aslo support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and ran the San Diego Rock n' Roll marathon, fundraising $3,000 for the cause. My best friend is a cancer survivor and LLS helped her greatly in her time of need.

4. I'm a Reiki Master

Ok, you probably knew that. It's all over this site. But in case you didn't know...

5. I graduated from Boston University in 2010.

Can we pretend I therefore graduated high school in 2006? (You already know that's not true if you read #1).

6. Hair today, gone tomorrow

I love to change my hair, nails and style frequently. I won't be able to keep a head shot current on here. You''ll most likely catch me running around in jeans and a t-shirt. But hair can be any cut and color, just like my nails. I love self-care and pampering. There's nothing as awesome as hanging out in the nail shop or hair salon. It's self-care plus social hour!

7. I'm an expert at online learning!

I attended BU online as well as the Southwest Institute of the Healing Arts. I love to take classes on LearnItLive.com and Udemy! I also love to offer them as well! Never stop learning.

See my current and past Learn It Live classes here.

8. I'm a book junkie.

Right now I am hooked on Audible.com. I love my Audible account on my Kindle and my phone. I have tons of Kindle books and Apple iBooks. I've run out of book shelves at home for actual books.

9. I am a person in recovery

I don't offer sober coach services as I work in the field already. But I am a person in recovery. Getting sober is the best thing I have ever done for myself. As far as lifelong learning is concerned, recovery is something I know I can never ever afford to stop learning about!

10. I'm a writer

Sometime around 2004, I got into journalism. My writing has been published in magazines, online and in one newspaper. I'm working on some fiction. My primary goal now is to write ebooks for you, my life coaching audience!

Bonus nugget!

I love tattoos.

Click on the photos below to view the carousel.