2 Goal Frameworks for Those Who Are Tired of SMART Goals

2 Goal Frameworks for Those Who Are Tired of SMART Goals

2 Goal Frameworks for Those Who Are Tired of SMART Goals

Are you tired of SMART Goals?

Ready to try something new, or just plain bored with SMART Goals? That method has been around forever. I used it in 2015 as a newbie sober coach and I still use it today. There’s nothing wrong with SMART Goals. Actually, there’s a reason why it’s the most commonly-used goal-setting method!

SMART Goals work because they help you gain clarity as you set your goals

You’re forced to think critically as you set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.

Another 2 Frameworks That Work: COMET and SMART Goals

These are my own creations. COMET is the same amount of steps as SMART but I created this to be more analytical.

COMET Goals also address problems we have in achieving our goals: consistency, excuses, finding meaning, making the effort, and staying tough while we make it to our goal.

STAR Goals have one less step.

Let’s make it as easy as possible! As you set a goal, you only concentrate on 4 things: space, time, accountability, and ritual.

Notice the common denominator here?

Consistency, aka ritual or repetition.

Check out more “Cliff’s Notes” on goal setting below from the 🚢 #Ship30for30 January ‘22 cohort!