A 30 Minute Yoga Practice for Beginners: My August 3 Yoga Practice to Benefit Stop Soldier Suicide

A 30 Minute Yoga Practice for Beginners: My August 3 Yoga Practice to Benefit Stop Soldier Suicide

In today’s yoga practice, we get a cameo appearance from the 🦋 Metamorphosis Mascot herself—my bengal cat, Titali. (I had forgotten to serve her wet food, silly me!)

So I did what any crazy cat lady would do. I held her up to the camera so you can see her. 🤣

If you watch these practices, my Bengal cats make quite a few appearances for your entertainment.

I’d like to think they’re evolved yogis and my favorite teachers. But then they’ll shred some toilet paper or break a light… 😉

In today’s 30-minute yoga practice, we do a quick warmup, some seated poses, chest openers, and sun salutations. The only props you may want are blocks and/or a blanket.

I’m doing LIVE yoga daily for 30 minutes to fundraise for Stop Soldier Suicide. I start at 9:30 Central daily, every day in August!

You can join me by getting on my mailing list!