A Simple Goal Framework for Even the Most Planning-Averse in Only 4 Steps: STAR Goals

A Simple Goal Framework for Even the Most Planning-Averse in Only 4 Steps: STAR Goals

Is goal-setting too complicated for you?

I'm serious.

If you're tired of 5-step frameworks like SMART Goals and my own COMET Goals, and you want to start fast, I offer you only 4 steps.

Use The STAR Goals Framework In Only 4 Focused Steps:

  • S - Space
  • T - Time
  • A - Accountability
  • R - Ritual or repetition

Space Means Where You'll Work On This Goal

I'm talking about your physical location.

For example, if it's exercise, will you go to a gym or work out at home? If your goal is to master crafts with a Cricut, will you use the garage or kitchen table?

This can also apply to what "space" you have in your schedule.👇

Figure Out How Much Time You Can Dedicate To Your Goal

We're going to do some math here.

Every week, we have 168 hours (7x24). Most people will likely dedicate 40 of that to work and another 40 to sleep. That leaves you 88 hours. Some of that still may not belong to you, but the trick is to allot your time so that 40 more hours isn't lost to scrolling and Netflix.

Does achieving your goal require 5 hours a week or per day? Decide. Then, schedule it.

Choose How You'll Hold Yourself Accountable

The keyword here is "choose."

You choose how to hold yourself accountable, whether that's with a habit tracker, an app, or an accountability partner.

Work On Your Goal In Repetitions

In fitness and in life, the key to success is getting the reps in.

Much like my COMET Goals framework, repetition (or ritual) is important. What can you do consistently each day? What ritual will you adhere to in order to get your reps in?

Now, you're done. You've given your goal a plan in just 4 steps! 🙌