ALL the August Yoga Practices So Far In One Handy List!

ALL the August Yoga Practices So Far In One Handy List!

I’ll be honest: I’m taking a break from the daily live yoga practices I’ve been hosting on Zoom.

Not a single soul attended my live practices! But people are watching the recordings of them on YouTube.

Don’t get me wrong, I am SO glad I tried this as a newbie yoga teacher. It gave me great practice. But that 9:30 am time slot wasn’t working for me or anyone else. I realize we live in an on-demand world. So I’ll be steering in that direction now.

I decided it was best to make fewer videos and do them better rather than work hard to prepare (and later edit) the daily 30-minute practice.

See all the videos so far from August on my YouTube playlist.

I’ve raised $136 So Far of My $200 Goal for Stop Soldier Suicide!

This means. you’re awesome! Thank you for donating. 🙏

Donate now

I’m focused now on planning Saturday’s yoga class at White Dove

I hope you can make it! It’s from 11:00-12:00. You can save time by signing the waiver online ahead of time You can do that on the class event page.

Showing up on Zoom for live classes like I did this month taught me a lot about what my yoga students want (and what they’ll actually show up for!) I felt a lot more excitement around my live class, especially as I handed out business cards during my travels on Wednesday.

Yoga is about connection and it seems as though, in 2023, we’re all oriented more towards in-person connections and experiences. This is a good thing!