August 3 Yoga Practice To Benefit Stop Soldier Suicide

August 3 Yoga Practice To Benefit Stop Soldier Suicide

In today’s yoga practice…My Bengal cats make non-stop appearances. They don’t even like yoga! But they love to distract me from it! I decided at some point during yoga teacher training that if yoga is the absence of the fluctuations of the mind…well, these two fur balls are fluctuations of the mind. They’re always trying to distract me from yoga & meditation!

Today, to continue practicing Ishvara Pranidhana (devotion) to the cause of helping veterans through the charity Stop Soldier Suicide, I practiced 30 minutes of yoga live on Zoom. This is a super simple practice today and very relaxing. I also offer a little yoga motivation so you’ll show up and practice with me every day! 😉

I’m a new yoga teacher, so I’m offering these practices for FREE. Hopefully, you’ll throw a few bucks toward Stop Soldier Suicide.

Donate to help veterans!

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