Can You—Or Do You—Block Off 30 Minutes A Day (or more) To Work On Your Dream?

Can You—Or Do You—Block Off 30 Minutes A Day (or more) To Work On Your Dream?

Can You—Or Do You—Block Off 30 Minutes A Day (or more) To Work On Your Dream?

This blog post just may inspire you to commit to spending this time on the Thing You Want. You know, that thing? The one you claim you don’t have time to do? Or that keeps getting put onto the back burner? There may be a reason why. Let’s unpack this!

Can You—Or Do You—Block Off 30 Minutes A Day (or more) To Work On Your Dream?

The road can be long. Begin before you’re ready. Build in public. Make it a journey!

[Edit November 15, 2021]

I used to spend my 30-minute lunch breaks working on my dream. This was back in 2016, when I was working a job I hated as I completed my schooling to become a Certified Transformational Life Coach. Here’s a portion of the original blog post, written back on September 8, 2016:

I showed my new website to my coworker. I'd worked on it and messed with it endlessly, but it just wasn't right. My coworker pointed out what was not right yet and it was amazing what a second set of eyes can do! That gave me the boost I needed to keep working towards a better, clearer site. (I love feedback).

I set up the pages, re-did the blog, and cleared up the navigation during my 30-minute lunch break at work. Since it was a short amount of time, I cut through the putzing and knew I'd want to set up the basic skeleton of the site immediately. That's just what I did. It's now a basic site and—I can add proudly—coworker-approved!

I'm starting the digital aspects of my coaching practice as I work on completing my certification. That means I am going to school as I create this website, products/services store, a blog, and a podcast. I pondered out loud how I didn't mean to put the site out to the world just yet, but why not?

My coworker said, "How soon do you want to make money?"

Boom 🤯 That hit me right between the eyes! How soon do I want to make money? Why wait?

When starting something new, we can get bogged down by a few things that waste our time/energy:

  • Fear
  • Perfection
  • Procrastination

What are you afraid of? Releasing something "imperfect" to the world? This can lead to procrastination. Do you doubt yourself? Do you feel you’re not ready? What is really holding you back?

Back then, I asked myself an important question:

What would happen if I have my life coaching website online and working? I may just get clients! That's the goal! Then I get to help people by doing what I love!

2021 Edit: I have kept this ethos of “begin before you’re ready” now for years, most likely stemming from that day a coworker helped kick me in the butt. I’m so grateful I recorded that a-ha moment here on the blog! I was much less confident then.

Ask yourself what is holding you back.

  • What do you fear? Failure? Or, Success?
  • Are you waiting for conditions to be "perfect first?"
  • If you are procrastinating, what makes you do that? Is it due to fear?
  • Do you doubt yourself?
  • Do you worry what others will think?

What if you just boldly take a step forward each day?

What if you only spend 30 minutes on that dream? What if you dedicated 30 minutes a day to achieving a goal? Certainly you can block out 30 minutes.

It's not just 30 minutes you spend on that dream. It's 30 minutes you say no to fear and doubt.

It's a block of time when you cast out judgement of yourself and what you’re creating. Just do. Just create. Do it like no one is watching and like everyone is watching. Who cares? It's your goal, not theirs!

You know what is worse? Not doing it.

Need help getting started? Book an online coaching session today!

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