COMET Goals: How to Kick Your Goals Into High-Gear for More Success in 2022

COMET Goals: How to Kick Your Goals Into High-Gear for More Success in 2022

After years of doing and teaching SMART Goals—which do work—I was hit with a new idea: COMET Goals.

Here’s the framework for putting your goals through the COMET ideas, much the same way you’d use the SMART Method:

C - Consistency

O - Ownership

M - Meaning / Motivation

E - Effort

T - Toughness (but not toxic toughness)

Below are the simple questions to ask yourself as you put your goals through this framework, kind of like a strainer. Cut out the “extra stuff” and only the BEST stuff comes through.

The COMET Goals Framework

C - Consistency

What can you do consistently each day? Goals happen because of habits. Consistent action creates habits that lead to accomplishing goals. So what can you commit to doing consistently each day?

O - Ownership

Take ownership of your action or lack of action. No excuses. No one is coming to accomplish this for you. No one is coming to save you. Take ownership of what you do consistently (or not) each day. This means holding yourself accountable. When you fall off, take ownership of that. Then pick yourself up and get back to your consistent habit. Don’t whine, don’t make up a story about it. Just move back into your desired habit.

M - Meaning / Motivation

Find your meaning. As Simon Sinek says, “Find your why.” WHY are you pursing this goal? Is that going to be a good enough reason to keep going on the days it gets hard? If your “why” isn’t solid, your goal won’t be either. Right motivation goes a long way. Make sure you’re doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, for the right reasons.

E - Effort

How much effort are you willing to put in? Will you need days off or breaks? (Which is fine; sometimes a recalibration is needed). Just see where you’re at. Feel into this question: How much effort will this take and am I willing/able to put forth this amount of effort? The answer may or may not surprise you, but it will likely raise your awareness and help you refine your goal.

T - Toughness (but not toxic toughness)

What’s tougher? Your goal? Or YOU? The entire idea behind Destiny Architecture is that YOU are the architect of your own destiny. So I’m betting you’re pretty tough. The fun part is, we get tougher and smarter as we pursue our goals. This is true whether we succeed or not! We still grow. When you remember this, you realize you have nothing to lose. Let that bolster you and make you fearless as you pursue your goals with confidence.

And if you need a hand, wake up with the Fearless 5 podcast!

Download ALL the Destiny Architecture blogs about the SMART Goals method and COMET Goals framework, plus a list of questions to help you get clear on your goals!

Get the COMET Goals PDF Download

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