🎙 Fearless 5 Podcast Show Notes April 25-29!

Here are this week's show notes, which are always links to original writings that inspired the podcast along with ways you can suppor the podcast since it's ad-free!

Monday 4/25/2022 = #262

How to become the architect of your own destiny!

Tuesday 4/26/2022 = #263

There's no such thing as overnight success!

Wednesday 4/27/2022 = #264

Before you try that free wifi, do this!

Thursday 4/28/2022 = #265

Self-Care Makes The Biggest Difference In Your Success as a Content Creator—Here's How to Prioritize It

Friday 4/29/2022 = #266

Do you pre-plan your content ideas 💡 or come up with something each day?

How To Support The Fearless 5 (TIA)

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Join 🚢 #Ship30for30 for the next cohort!

SALE: eBook, “How to Become More Minimalist in 30 Days,” now for sale on Gumroad for $3.33! So you can *really* declutter this spring!

Purchase a Best Self Journal from Best Self Co + use the code “HEATLAR” for a 15% discount!

⚡️  Love the F5? You can tip me on the lightning ⚡️ network at the following Lightning ⚡️ addresses:

⚡️ heatherlarson@ln.tips

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⚡️ destinyarchitecture@umbrel.local:3003

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Fearless 5 Podcast
Get the Fearless 5 Podcast wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts! The F5 is on Podcast Index as a Value for Value (#V4V) Podcast. If you need a player, host, or app that supports lightning, ⚡️ find them here. ⚡️ Love the F5? You can tip me on the lightning ⚡️ network