🎙 Fearless 5 Show Notes April 18-22

Welcome to another week of the Fearless 5 Podcast with me, Heather Larson, as your host! Each week, I post the show notes online with extra links to the writing the podcast was based on. To find out where to get the podcast, visit this page. I'll post the YouTube videos below.

Monday 4/18/2022 = #257

Blogs & Podcasts Won't Help You Find Your Niche Or Test Your Ideas—Here's What To Do Instead

Tuesday 4/19/2022 = #258

How To Live Your Yoga Off The Mat—And On The Job—With The Practice Of Ahimsa, Or Causing No Harm

Wednesday 4/20/2022 = #259

Another 30 Days of Shipping in #Ship30for30—Here's What The March Cohort Changed For This Online Content Creator

Thursday 4/21/2022 = #260

Living the creator life, one 30-day cohort at a time! How will you spend your next #Ship30for30 cohort? Here are some ideas & takeaways

COMET Goals: From SMART Goals to COMET Goals: 5 Simple Steps to Truly Change Your Life! Free COMET GOALS download!

Friday 4/22/2022 = #261

Look, if I can go from crappy jobs and poverty to remote work and a career change via creating content, anyone can. Here’s a snapshot of the story.

To Keep the F5 ad-free, here are a bunch of ways to support it!

Sign up for the FREE newsletter full of personal development for content creators! Just hit that "SUBSCRIBE" button in the corner of this site!

Book your complimentary breakthrough coaching session with Heather Larson now!

Join 🚢 #Ship30for30 for the next cohort!

SALE: eBook, “How to Become More Minimalist in 30 Days,” now for sale on Gumroad for $3.33! So you can *really* declutter this spring!

Want to shift your life in 2 minutes? Check out this episode 👇

Purchase a Best Self Journal from Best Self Co + use the code “HEATLAR” for a 15% discount.

⚡️  Love the F5? You can tip me on the lightning ⚡️ network at the following Lightning ⚡️ addresses

⚡️ heatherlarson@ln.tips

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⚡️ destinyarchitecture@umbrel.local:3003

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Now, for the Week's Episodes!