🎙 Fearless 5 Show Notes April 4-8 🎉 250th Episode!!!

Monday 4/4/2022 = Episode #247

Day 13 of Yoga For Beginners: Reclined Big Toe Pose and Day 14 of Yoga For Beginners: Reclined Big Toe Pose Part B.

Tuesday 4/5/2022 = Episode #248

Having trouble keeping a yoga practice going? Check out Day 15 Of Yoga For Beginners: Applying COMET Goals To Starting a Yoga Practice.

Wednesday 4/6/2022 = Episode #249

Day 16 of Yoga for Beginners: How To Do Yoga Through All Seasons Of Life

No doctor has ever told me to stop doing yoga. They've all encouraged it—even through my worst health crisis. You can practice yoga FOR LIFE! Here's how.

Thursday 4/7/2022 = Episode #250

🎉 🎉 #250 🎉 250th EPISODE!!!!  🎉 🎉 🎉 of the Fearless 5: Stop planning to death. I dare you.


Stop planning to death. I dare you.

Friday 4/8 /2022 = Episode #251

Do You Hate Exercise? Then You Can Do Yoga! Newsflash: yoga is NOT exercise.

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SALE: eBook, “How to Become More Minimalist in 30 Days,” now for sale on Gumroad for $3.33! So you can *really* declutter this spring!

Want to shift your life in 2 minutes? Check out this episode ⬇️

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The F5 is 5 minutes a day, 5 minutes a week of fearless personal development for content creators!

Lose the fear and get your ass in gear!

Episodes are uploaded on Sundays at 2:00 PM Central!

Thanks for listening/watching!

~Coach Heather Larson