Fun Ways to Do Your Morning Pages

Fun Ways to Do Your Morning Pages

You can do your Morning Pages however you want when you’re doing The Artist’s Way. I prefer to use Flowstate, though I went through a long phase of using

1. 750 Words

This site costs $5 a month.

I used it for a long time after I started taking The Artist’s Way course. I didn’t want to hand write out three pages per day. Just being honest! I haven’t handwritten in a journal like that since the late 1990s when I was horrible at typing and had a giant beige PC… So I wanted to find a better way. Seems like lots of other did, too! The site,, makes the task of writing Morning Pages simple. How many words is three pages? Exactly 750. Use the site to write your MP, and it even tracks your habit. It gives you a word cloud. I love that kind of stuff! Come on, who doesn’t love metrics?

2. Handwritten journals

Prices vary.

For when you want to kick it old school…use pen and paper. I have two brand-new journals that are barely written in and mostly forgotten about. It’s offline. There’s no monthly subscription fee. My God, it’s so low-tech, who could ever want that? All kidding aside, paper and pen were how Morning Pages were intended to be written as Julia Cameron write The Artist’s Way decades ago.

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3. Flowstate

Price: $9.99

It has a gorgeous interface and a torturous method of forcing you to write. If you aren’t putting words on the screen, it makes what you wrote disappear. This makes it kind of fun in a way too, because I often put gibberish on the screen so I don’t lose the genius stuff I wrote three sentences back…

4. Freewriter

Price: Free

Same principle as Flowstate — but FREE and minus the gorgeous, Zen interface. This one makes what you wrote “fall down” off the screen. I like it. I like Flowstate too! I think this choice comes down to whether you want to fork over $10 for a writing app or not.

5. Any word processor will do

Prices vary.

This seems just as old-fashioned as using pen and paper, doesn’t it? Using technology for Morning Pages helps you track progress and sync across devices. But you don’t need all that. Most importantly, you just need to write. Just do it. App or no app.

  The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) By Hal Elrod  Buy on Amazon