Guided Meditation for Positive Energy

Tune in and join us for this guided meditation and learn how meditation can help you find and visualize positive energy within yourself.

Guided Meditation for Positive Energy
Photo by Aditya Saxena / Unsplash

On this episode of Destiny Architecture, the focus is on meditation for positive energy. You’re encouraged to turn inward, paying attention to your breathing.

The podcast offers a guided meditation that involves visualizing a strong, positive light within yourself and focusing on it with each inhale. Exhaling releases negative energy and thoughts and the positive light can transmute and transform negative energy within oneself.

Meditation teacher Heather Larson acknowledges that positivity all the time is unrealistic. It’s important to notice things without getting involved in stories about them.

By the end of the episode, you’re prompted to identify where in your physical body you store positive energy.

Tune in and join us for this guided meditation and learn how meditation can help you find and visualize positive energy within yourself.


[00:02:15] Notice sounds, avoid stories, release negativity, and find positivity.

[00:04:27] Visualize positive energy growing within, exhale gold.

[00:10:12] Use your breath to release negativity.

[00:14:17] Emotions neutral; assign meaning gives shape.

Meditation for Positive Energy

Key Podcast Episode Topics:

Episode Topic: Guided Meditation for Positive Energy

  • Turn inward and focus on breathing
  • Emotions are a part of life
  • Increasing the power of light within oneself
  • Transmuting negative energy
  • The importance of being aware of unconscious negative energy
  • The power of one's breath
  • Practicing positivity and re-centering
  • Growing positive energy through breathing exercises
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