Happy 4th of July ⚡️ from Destiny Architecture

(Sale at the bottom, but first...)

Hopefully, you're finding the time to relax and have fun this weekend!

The coming week in the United States will be a hot 🥵 one. That leaves plenty of time to stay indoors to keep cool. For self-care, I plan to practice yoga, Reiki, and meditation.

I plan to practice kindness, ahimsa, and non-judgment. Let's not forget the 5 Reiki Precepts!

They go like this: Just for today...

  1. I will not anger
  2. I will work honestly (be honest, work diligently)
  3. I will practice gratitude
  4. I will be kind to all living things
  5. I will not worry

These 5 Reiki ideals, laid down 100 years ago by Dr. Mikao Usui, are a guide to spiritual living.

Yoga prescribes the Yamas & Niyamas.

Then there are religions—all of which practice some form of spiritual ideals to live by. One of my yoga teachers blew my mind recently when he pointed out that the Yamas and Niyamas are parallel to Christianity's Ten Commandments!

I spent the rest of my night trying to align the two within my own studies (because I'm a nerd like that and going through my 250-hour yoga teacher training).

What I've come to learn is this:

We all want the same things, no matter our background, beliefs, or any other demographic information we think makes us unique from others.

Because the truth is we are all one.

Many may try to divide us and say we are different from one another. But I'd rather live in a way where I seek to find common ground rather than go to war over "differences."

I decided recently to "not feed the trolls" online.

It's oddly become a test and I've been trolled even harder! Isn't it funny how the spiritual path works? You make a decision to eat right by stopping yourself from eating so many lemon bars and suddenly there are lemon bars everywhere you go!?

I still choose peace. I still choose not to get drawn down into the lower-level energy of those looking for a fight.

It's not just online. A man verbally attacked two friends of mine at a local business on Friday. I can't stop others from behaving badly. I also don't want to stare too hard at a world that seems to be full of those who are increasingly unhinged.

It's wise to be aware that the world can be unsafe while also working to create more peace within the world. This was always the aim of Krav Maga, an Israeli form of hand-to-hand combat I trained in for several years.

There was a sign on the wall in our training center that read:

"So that one may walk in peace."

The world is kind of crazy right now. But my hope for you this holiday weekend is that you will be able to practice whatever you need to practice so that you may walk in peace.

If you read this far, thank you! And if you didn't, onto the sale info!

I have big plans for the Destiny Architecture store. But for now, I've merely brought it back online with all my old items—digital downloads—on sale. If you want to work on decluttering, your subconscious mind, or other exercises in personal development, take a look 😉 The coaching session 4-pack is one sale and the gratitude worksheets are free!

Heather Larson, Certified Coach & Reiki Master


DestinyArchitecture.com & DestinyArchitecture.net

Why two sites? The .com has been around for nearly six years while the .net site is new and designed for the newsletter and future membership. The coaching and Reiki services are the same on each, as is the scheduler.

Schedule coaching or a Reiki session any time at either site!