Hey, Coach: who do you serve?

Hey, Coach: who do you serve?

The correct answer is EVERYONE!

But who do I mostly serve? Women!

It's no secret that I've had mostly females coming to me for Reiki since 2014... Since becoming a life coach, I've still had a mostly female demographic.

The truth is, I welcome men! I do! Where are the men?

I do have men coming in -- they are amazing, awakened men who are working to raise their consciousness and that of the world in new ways!

What does my largely female audience have in common with my tiny-but-brilliant male one?

They feel an overwhelming rejection of current ways and systems as well as a desire to return to our human healing roots. These roots are just waiting to be awakened in our DNA!

  • These men are not feeling the patriarchy.
  • They know innately they are healers. They feel it.
  • They know it's time to put self first and heal the self first because their heart's desire is to heal others, but they've run out of gas in some respect. Their soul, their guts and hearts say it's time to STOP and fill up the tank.
  • They are ready to challenge themselves.
  • They feel a creative bit of energy stirring within (or possibly erupting like a volcano).
  • They know in their bones they can resist these stirrings no more...

If you're looking for a coach who is willing to really go there, ask the tough questions, and challenge you -- I am all ears. I know you can reach whatever goal you have in mind. The answers to your questions are within you; it's my job as your life coach to help you access those answers.

I can't wait to start working with you! You're going to thrive!

Heather Larson

Certified Life Coach and Reiki Master