How Busy People Can Practice Meditation & Build a Personal Practice

How Busy People Can Practice Meditation & Build a Personal Practice

Reap the Benefits of Meditation in Less Time

Get started fast with guided meditations that will relax you and also provide tidbits of meditation lessons dripped out on a weekly basis. The Destiny Architecture meditations are exclusive for subscribers and affordable at just $4.99/month.

There are 3 ways you can subscribe:

  1. Apple Podcasts
  2. Spotify
  3. At, which gives you extra benefits ⬇️

There’s a 7-day trial of the guided meditations. If you’re located in Wichita and frequently come in to receive Reiki sessions at White Dove, you definitely want to subscribe on That way you get an extra 10% off your Reiki sessions! Distance Reiki sessions and coaching also receive 10% off with the subscription on (If you already receive the weekly FREE newsletter on Mondays, you’re already a member and you just have to log in to subscribe).

It’s $4.99/mo or $49.99/year.

Meditation for Beginners Doesn’t Have to Be Hard!

Don’t feel bad if you are finding it challenging to learn to meditate and start your practice. Everyone struggles when they begin practicing meditation. For me, my incessant thoughts drove me nuts. This is why I’ve always loved listening to guided meditations and why this is the first thing I’ve made to help others meditate.

My guided meditations will help you relax and practice meditation on your own without taking a class or reading how-to books. Each audio meditation jumps right into the meditation. All you have to do is push play.

I drip in a little instruction each week to help you build your skillset as a meditator. This is helpful whether you’re a beginner or seasoned meditator.

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