How Journaling Helps Your Meditation Practice

How Journaling Helps Your Meditation Practice

This blog post originally appeared in the Destiny Architecture Blueprint Newsletter here.

I recently found a goldmine of meditation information. It was my meditation journal I'd kept in 2015! I found the tiny thing stuffed in a box and had forgotten it had even existed.

It showed me:

  • All my ridiculous racing thoughts from when I started (like, hey, you're normal!)
  • Stages of frustration followed by small breakthroughs ("Today, I got 4 minutes of uninterrupted peace!)
  • Exactly how frazzled I was when I started out (2015 was a rough year).

Best of all, it showed me how far I've come, how my inner thoughts have evolved, and what it was like to be an absolute beginner now that I'm...less of a beginner.

You see, I cling to being a beginner. I love learning, growing, evolving, and blossoming. I'll never be a master at meditation in the sense that I won't be the robe-wearing nun in the monastery who meditates in silence for days on end.

I'm a modern human, a "householder" as yoga says. I live in a loud city, with a job, and tons of psychological stuff happening. I think that's each of you reading this, too.

The benefits of meditation for us will be finding peace in traffic jams, dealing with the work-related stress of our sedentary knowledge jobs, and navigating a world of constantly changing goal posts: inflation, student loans, changing laws, politics, safety, health, etc.

When you meditate regularly, you'll be triggered less by the above laundry list of events. You'll discover progress in your self-awareness. It can be something you just feel into or you can chart your progress by journaling.

That's why I created this 30-day meditation journal so you can give it a try. Write down progress, thoughts, moods, insights, and more. Plan out your meditation times ahead or track your practices once complete. You have options to journal your practice across 130 pages!


  30-Day Meditation Journal (130 pages, PDF)  $9.99   document.querySelector('.product-block .product-block').classList.add('is-first-product-block');