How To Find Your Niche As A Creator Using Ship 30

I'll be honest here about the time it took for me to feel into my niche.

It didn't happen until halfway through my second cohort of Ship 30 for 30, or a total of ~115 consecutive days of shipping.

I'd already been through 90 days of my #ContentStorm—the first 30 of which brought me to Ship 30. Those first 30 days also taught me that the following weren't for me:

  • Patreon
  • Substack
  • Multiple Twitter accounts (one for every niche)

But I was still trying to do the most!

I had two newsletters going, I was trying Revue, I was shipping daily, and I began video editing...

I regret none of it.

Around my 115th day of shipping, I hit an a-ha moment with the newsletters. I think that those who read my Reiki/Yoga/meditation/personal development/life coaching newsletter most likely intersect with those who read my writing for solopreneur content creators newsletter!

Wasn't that just a mountain of words to read?

Imagine the mental math I did writing TWO newsletters! From this point forward, I will be working on a single newsletter for the niche of, "Personal Development for Content Creators!"

What's Next Is Testing This Theory!

You may have realized by now I love to test out my content creation theories.

So here we go again! The March cohort of Ship 30 is almost done and there's only one week off before the April Ship 30 cohort sets sail. I'll keep up with my daily ship regardless.

The new newsletter of the two separated ideas rolled into one will launch on Monday! Get it in your inbox with exclusive content for free by signing up here on the site (at the top and bottom right-hand corners)!

And get into the Ship 30 April cohort!