How To Get Started with Yoga

How To Get Started with Yoga

I hear a lot from people that the hardest part in their lives is “getting started.”

I know a lot of this comes from fear, which is why I created the Fearless 5 podcast in 2019. It’s reaching its 200th episode this week! (Check out this week’s episodes, all recorded and uploaded in audio and video online).

But Fear Shows Up In Many Forms

  • Dragging your feet
  • Being unable to decide
  • Procrastination
  • Uncertainty about how / when / where to get started

You Know Why You Want to Get Started

So the motivation is there! But that motivation doesn’t always translate into action. So how to remove the barriers to action? By finding out which barrier it is!

Is it one of the above-listed barriers or something else?

How To Get Started With Yoga

When it comes to getting started with yoga, I hear so many people disqualify themselves from it with misconceptions like:

  • I’m not flexible
  • I can’t touch my toes
  • “I’m a Christian, Catholic, (or any other religion) and I can’t do that!”
  • “I can’t afford the pants!”

So I created two different guides about how to get started with yoga. One is longer than the other. Read the longer version on Medium.

The shorter version is 👇 via Typeshare (and courtesy of my 🚢 #Ship30for30 journey).