How to go deeper with The Artist's Way + Life Coaching -- Starts May 22

How to go deeper with The Artist's Way + Life Coaching -- Starts May 22

It was January 2015 when I found myself on unemployment at the conclusion of a 17-year radio career. (I say "conclusion" because it's over for now, though I don't rule out returning but only under the right circumstances).

I was creatively burnt out after waking up at 4:00am for the past four years to grind out a daily morning radio show -- a job I loved. But I was so grateful to break away from the career I had known since I was a teenager. I wanted to do so many things!

But where to start? I felt burnt out and bankrupt on so many levels. I'd exercised my creative muscle from 4-10am (live, no less for most of those hours) in one certain way. Now what?

So I took The Artist's Way course. It changed everything for me!

Here's how The Artist's Way changed me:

*It turned me into a Morning Pages fanatic
*It introduced me to amazing new people, some of whom have published books since our course
*It was a form of therapy at a time in my life when I most desperately needed it
*The Artist's Way helped me move on and move forward
*It helped me recover confidence, self-esteem, faith and trust.
*I began to believe in the creative process again
*The class gave me a fresh viewpoint
*It brought me to people uniquely qualified to help nurture me along on my journey. I'm not kidding. It was kismet.
*I began to feel free and light again as I found new and exciting ways to exercise my creative muscle.

So here's what's going to be different about this course. Yes, it's the traditional Artist's Way Class with all the trimmings. We will be a group. We will all do morning pages and artist's dates -- even me, your teacher. I shall do the work alongside you. I just knew I could take the traditional course and add to it! Why not? I'm a life coach! I can add the tools I use in coaching to really make this class into something that can take it to the next level for you.

What do I bring in as your Artist's Way Course facilitator/coach?

*Coaching tools to help you remove blocks to your creativity because I am a certified life coach

*If you don't know what those blocks are, that's OK! I have tools to help you figure out what your obstacles are. If you aren't ready to jump over them, I'll help you burn them down.

*1 FREE coaching session for every student in the class during the 12-week course! The class itself is a $250 value, so this is literally getting a FREE COACHING SESSION WITH ME! I'm throwing it in for no extra charge.

*FREE digital downloads to help you with the course

Why you want to take this class:

*You feel like you have creative blocks

(I don't believe in "writer's block," and you can find out why in this course, however, I believe creative recovery is a real thing).

*You've got long lost creative dreams and goals you want to accomplish
*You want to recover the JOY of creating and just experiencing the power of your own creativity
*You're a blocked artist, writer, musician or creative -- or even if you're not. Especially if you're not! The Artist's Way is for everyone and especially those who feel they can't even draw a straight line.
*You say things like, "I"m not creative," or "I'm not an artist." Oh, yes you are!
*You want to increase your ability to be creative
*You want to become free of past conditioning and beliefs around your creativity

*You're willing to believe at least one of the following three things:
we are ALL creative,
we are ALL artists, and
we can ALL recover

*You have trouble letting go and surrendering
*You have trouble connecting to your art, writing, painting, or any creative hobby that brings you joy.
*You've been prioritizing your needs last and you are willing to STOP.

Yes, this course goes deeper than just, "Let's talk about art and creativity." There's spiritual practice here and the God-word will be brought up. There will be weekly reading in the book by Julia Cameron, "The Artist's Way," as well as weekly themes and assignments. Look, we're all adults here. I'm not grading assignments -- I'm a facilitator and coach.

There will be no shaming, only motivating!

You will get out of this course what you put into it!

I'm already getting great questions about it, so some housekeeping items:

*You can absolutely miss class. I will be recording class for you to watch later. (If you want to). You can skip a week if you want/need to.
*I've set the class up to give us breaks for Memorial Day, July 4, and August 21 -- the night of the historic eclipse.
*You can attend and just listen to the rest of us share -- you don't have to share if you don't want to for whatever reason!
*You don't have to do all work suggested in Cameron's book, which she actually explains in the beginning of it.

What you will get out of this class:

*It is my goal as the teacher facilitating this course that each student leaves this class having created something they are proud of.
*A new sense of creative self
*Nurturing from like minds in a caring support group type of environment
*So many new tricks!

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