Reflecting on the end of my 30s

Reflecting on the end of my 30s

You will read nothing more LEO than this today — here I am, waxing poetic about the end of another decade, and wishing myself a happy birthday on my website. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Destiny Architecture birthday sale a few weeks ago. That was madness and so fun!

Happy birthday pink.jpg

Truth is, I’ve felt 40 for a while and that’s a good thing.

I am just getting started! As much as I wish I could go back to my young self and shake her awake, she had to go through all that to get to where she is today. Also, Tuesday was #NationalRadioDay, and it’s been 21 years in broadcasting for me.

21 years!

I had to think about that later. Has it really been that long? Wasn’t it longer? I was driving and had to do the math again…. It started because I made a video for Instagram with my work buddies Tuesday in which we were all counting the years we’ve been broadcasting.

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So here we are! 40!?!!?

I honestly didn’t think I’d make it this far. Years of addiction and dangerous living…I didn’t really have a plan… But if I do say so myself, I’m loving 40-year-old me. She takes no shit, she knows what she wants, she’s disciplined, focused, and experienced. Word to my younger sisters — develop a gym habit, stay hydrated, focus on nutrition and self-care. And dump the losers. All of them! If you don’t have a group of crazy girlfriends who will do clothing swap parties and vision boards with you — get new friends. Good girlfriends — of all ages — will get you through the tough times.

New stuff coming

So, we had the Destiny Architecture birthday weeks ago. This website is 3 years old! Yay!

But with birthdays comes growth and it cannot be fought. The vision I had for this website started it off three years ago and has served me well. But it is time to grow and evolve the content to serve you better. Part of the first vision for this website was built around me working 40-hour weeks in social work plus going to school online at SWIHA to work on my coaching certification. The content I started back then was easier to keep up on, like the #LOAMonday posts I’ve done. But I’m not a money mindset or manifestation coach. It was just something fun I started that I think I can let go of now. It muddies the waters of what I do. If enough of you miss it, I can bring it back, but it would be monthly rather than weekly.

Instead of that…

I just launched a FREE ebook you can download on August 9. I HAD to get it up THAT DAY and I didn’t know why until someone told me about the Lion’s Gate. BOOM! That was why! It had to come out THAT DAY, but I didn’t have to promote it then. The Universe gave this Leo some other fish to fry.

Now is the time to start promoting my free ebook I wrote for YOU! Let me set it right here:

In addition to the FREE e-book, I want to launch a podcast and get more coaching-oriented. And yes, back to more vlogs! So expect more audio and video content. Expect more blogs that will be centered around coaching and waking up to your spiritual self. Expect more — much more — about Reiki. Expect an online summit very soon because it’s not just me… I have friends also doing amazing work and I want to see what happens when I bring all these women together in an online space to teach you!

And can we get the Patron page rocking? Because that is going to be an amazing community when it gets rolling! The free e-book is available there too. But there’s also a ton of content there that’s Patreon-specific. Much of it is free, some is paid. It’s where I’ll be posting updates about the Reiki ebook I’m working on. That book is the current purpose of that Patreon. Check it out!