It's time to share a deeper, more vulnerable part of my story.

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I believe

There is a cure.

So, I'm going to do a thing I feel inspired to do, provided I have the courage and capacity to do it.

As someone who created “The Fearless 5” podcast, I am feeling called to be more fearless in the area of my life that has brought on paralyzing fear for nearly 15 years now. But I’ve made an art of walking through this fear. I’ve made a life.

11/10/19 is soon and marks 15 years since my mom passed from CJD. I truly don't feel I've done enough in 15 years in spite of two blogs about CJD, 1 trip to UCSF to work with Dr. Geschwind, and donating my blood to the Red Cross national lab. There is still NO cure or even a clinical diagnosis.

I'm 40. I don't feel like there's a lot of time left now for me. Maybe I'll be lucky and live to 100. But just in case I'm not... It's time to make some waves, even if they are small.

One thing I've not yet done is be completely vulnerable in telling my story. But it's 2019, and I can make some seriously awesome media we didn't have in 2004. Can you believe I went through ALL THAT in 2004 without a single hospital selfie? Without doing a live video from Barrow Neurological Institute? I started a blog about CJD in 2005 and that was super high tech for back then. It was on Google Blogger... LOL. I joined a Yahoo Group about it -- also super-advanced, amiright?

I don't know if regular people will be interested in it. It may only help my CJD Family -- and there are many of us. But I'm feeling called...