5 Simple Steps to Help You Prepare for the New Year By Releasing The Old

5 Simple Steps to Help You Prepare for the New Year By Releasing The Old

Declutter you home of old things, but don’t forget to declutter your mind of old ideas, too!

How to Prepare for the new year

Out with the old!

In with the new. But first, some steps to help you release what no longer serves you!

First, Clear a Path for the New Year

The first question to ask yourself is what to release as you head into a fresh, new year. What to get rid of?

Original post written 12/27/16 and edited on 12/11/21.

Look around for all those undone, half-finished projects.

You don't care about them anymore. They are collecting dust. The book you half-read because you couldn't get into it. The card you forgot to send because you got too busy.

2. Don’t Forget to Clean Out the Pantry

And let's face it, we all have something in our fridge and cupboards that is past its prime. What else in your home is past its prime? Chuck it! Or give it to someone who can use it.

3. Return The Stuff You Borrowed This Year

That thing. You were supposed to return that thing. How many borrowed things do we have laying around? Whether tools or books from friends, it's time to give it back!

4. Get Rid of Things In Disrepair

Think of the things that don't work. That sock that won't stay up, the, "I will get it fixed later," pile... Forget it. If you were going to rescue it, you would have done it already.

The rest of the stuff you can figure out. A million books and blogs have been written about how to clear and organize. Yes, I've read the tidying book by Marie Condo. I even wrote my own!

I much prefer to bounce through my home like a tornado just dumping things as fast as I can into the donation or trash bins just to get it over with quickly! The best way to clean. up and organize is still to let go of as much as possible!

Any time from Thanksgiving on is the best time to start fresh. Life (hopefully) slows for the holidays. You’re about to have so much new stuff in your home, so it’s best to release the old first. At the end of December, you're likely putting away decorations anyway, so you're already into the closet or basement and the boxes.

5. So now, what to add to your life?

I bet the Container Store and Target do a big business in organizational stuff right about now... (But if you read the tidying book, you know that's a waste, haha!)

I'm not talking about stuff. How about ideas? Thoughts? Attitudes?

Let's talk about intangibles that can improve your life. What little thing can you add to your day or to your living space that will brighten it up? Is there a devotional or other spiritual type of book you can incorporate into your morning coffee ritual? Maybe wake up and do 10 minutes of yoga instead of immediately picking up your phone?

What can you add in that will be beneficial to you?

I love this time of the year to set my intentions for the new year.

Yes, you can add new habits, routines, workouts, foods etc. But first, what do you really want? How do you see yourself in 2017? What are your goals?

Want to become more minimalist in the next 30 days? My downloadable PDF will give you an actionable idea each day for 30 days!

How To Become More Minimalist In 30 Days eBook

  How To Become More Minimalist In 30 Days eBook  $9.99

A step-by-step guide to becoming more minimalist in just 30 days!

In this 30-day minimalism ebook guide, you will find a quick, easy-to-read format with 30 days of tasks and guidance. You can use it to practice minimalism one day at a time or you can merely scan through for ideas. You don’t have to go in any certain order and can skip anything that you don’t feel applies to your situation.

Contains tips for handling tasks that overwhelm you when clearing your space.

Learn to become more of a minimalist from the standpoint of a very conversational coach.

There are energetic tips from a Reiki Master (Coach Heather Larson is a Usui Reiki Master). The “energetic bonus” tips will help you become more conscious of how energy shifts in your home and other areas of your life represented by your stuff.

There’s a time to power through the tasks of clearing clutter — and also a time to reach out for help. There could also be a time when it’s best to call your therapist… That’s in here, too.

This ebook about engaging in a more minimalist lifestyle will also take a look into digital minimalism and tackling your social media habits.

Take action steps to bust through your procrastination.

Read tips on what to keep and what to get rid of — plus tips on HOW to get rid of it all safely.

Certified Transformational Life Coach Heather Larson wrote this book full of encouragement that is tough but still friendly.

35 pages

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