Reiki in Wichita—Final Saturdays at White Dove! ⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 7/11/22


• Reiki in Wichita on the Final Saturday each month at White Dove: 7/30/22!

• Two coaching + Reiki sites?!

• Coaching prices have gone down!  

• Content creator tips for this week: What does writing for 190 days straight get you? And what do YouTube Shorts get you as a creator?

Reiki in Wichita!

Sign up at (or .net) 

Last month went so well, that we're doing it again!

You can schedule online to secure your spot or come on in on Saturday, July 30 at White Dove from 11-4!

Scheduling online is the best way to save your spot because:

  1. You book directly into my calendar in the time slot you select.
  2. You can pay upfront with a card to make the experience more seamless.

You can still walk in, pay in cash, pay Dale, or pay me! (I can take credit cards with Square).  

If you want, you can call Dale at the store at 316-262-3683 to book your session.

Two Destiny Architecture Sites?

I have two sites now for Destiny Architecture, (a .com and a .net). Two things:

• The scheduler is the same on both sites. You can use it to book into my calendar and pay for Reiki or coaching at the .com site or anywhere on the .net site.

• The newsletter appears on the .net site and you will receive the same newsletter no matter where you sign up for it. (You're reading it now; it comes out on Mondays). has been around since 2016. This year, I started in order to offer this newsletter about personal development for content creators! (And also to strengthen my trademark application).

I'm excited to offer coaching for content creators—more on my recent content experiments below.

Coaching Costs Less!

I already talked about how I brought down the price of Reiki so that it costs no more than $40 for a 25-minute chakra-balancing session. This holds true for Reiki in person at White Dove in Wichita as well as for online, distance Reiki sessions.

Let's talk about affordable life coaching now!

I got rid of expensive coaching packages in favor of giving you two simple options:

  1. A single session (as needed) for $100.
  2. A package of four coaching sessions for $360 (and you must use them up within 6 months).

This keeps it simple and affordable for YOU (and easy for me to remember!)

Right now, that coaching package of 4 sessions is on sale in the store! (The only thing different here is that—while it offers a discount, it doesn't allow you to book directly into my calendar, so we will have to communicate to set up your session. No biggie). You get 4 sessions with me for $320!

The sale is here for a limited time, so check it out!

Content Creator Tips: 190 Days of Consistent Writing & YouTube Shorts

There's a lot left for me to unpack after writing online daily for 190 consecutive days.

But I've started on that 👇

You can also read the story on Typeshare.

This newsletter you're reading now is one of the many magical things born of that process!

Next, if you're a content creator, you need to be making YouTube shorts this week!

Here's why 👇

Read it on Typeshare.

At the time I'm writing this, the channel has received 21K views and a total of 73 subscribers! It just keeps growing. It's all due to making shorts in the style of TikTok.

I truly thought TikTok was everything. I even did an entire podcast about it with my friend Ken!

Then, I started messing around with YouTube shorts and discovered what a game-changer it is. You get:

• Fantastic organic reach for your videos

• Tons of views and watch time (though it doesn't count towards monetization)

• Comments

• New subscribers

If you're trying to grow a YouTube channel (or anything online) this is the place to be right now. There are 1.5 billion people there and a slightly older demographic, according to my research.

I read this stuff so you don't have to 😉

Here's one article I read about YouTube shorts last week. It's about the new analytics YouTube is giving you for your shorts. Even YouTube knows—shorts are a hot commodity and we creators are watching their analytics closely.

Do you have to be there? For results right now, I say, "Yes!" But what if you like TikTok or Instagram better? I also say you should go where you feel most comfortable creating your content and community.

There's more to come about online content creation, Reiki, personal development, coaching, yoga, and meditation!

-Heather Larson, Certified Coach & Reiki Master (