Enter the Mid-Week Reset

Enter the Mid-Week Reset

This self-care weekend, it’s time to have a scary good time! Just don’t forget self-care!

This past week, I made a conscious effort for self-care Wednesday night. I need a mid-week reset. I did a facial, went to bed early, and read a favorite book. A friend also came over and we spent the last, warm early evening chatting on my patio. Reading novels relaxes me and my novels right now are all vampire ones! I’m reading Charlaine Harris’ Dead After Dark and also have Dracula on my list. As far as audio books right now, there’s nothing scarier to me than the deep darkness of The Handmaid’s Tale. I’m not big on movies with violence so I’m not a horror fan, but I’ll read Halloween-themed books like crazy!

Spending time with friends is also part of what I consider self-care. Keeping up with my friends and their lives is important to me. Getting some time to kick back and chat is one of my favorite things to do. As long as I have a living room and patio, the chats can happen!

For self-care this weekend, I attended my usual Reiki share.

I feel like I also need to fine tune my morning routine. The morning routine is so important to me and I have been skimping on it, waking up just in time to get ready and out the door. That’s going to be a weekend goal. (I”ll write a separate blog post on just that topic).

Whatever you do for self-care, remember it’s about taking time for you. It’s about not doing for anyone else. It’s time to do what you love. It’s the space you take to give yourself what you need.

So what do you need?

Self-care leads to better self-knowledge. Become aware of your wants and needs. Make sure you are meeting your needs. Make sure you aren’t working too hard to meet others’ needs — unless you take care of children, elderly, or those medically unable to care for themselves. If you’re a caretaker of someone who requires your help to live, then you need self-care more than most.

I work in a care-taking field. This makes self-care a top priority each day. In addition to time with friends this week, I also had a therapy session I call a “grief tuneup” as this is a time of year for me that can be difficult. I knew I needed it.

Sometimes I need a walk. Sometimes I need a green juice. Sometimes I need a pie with ice cream. Sometimes I need a nap.

What do you need today?

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  The Art of Extreme Self-Care: Transform Your Life One Month at a Time By Cheryl Richardson  Buy on Amazon