Welcome to Self-Care Saturday/Sunday!

Welcome to Self-Care Saturday/Sunday!

I've been so busy with self-care, I am posting this is the weekend ends...

Let’s do a fall-themed edition for this weekend. This came to mind after I couldn’t resist buying a fancy, pre-made candy apple at the grocery store the other day. It’s adorable. It’s caramel and chocolate decorated with orange frosting. I love all aforementioned ingredients. Plus, it’s a treat.

The point of self-care is treating yourself!

So, how can you treat yourself today?

Candy apples remind me of happy childhood memories from when I was really small. We’re talking elementary school here! There had been a tragic wreck one Halloween night in which a child was struck and killed.

(I may be dating myself here, we all know costumes are safer and more reflective now).

To avoid further tragedies, the community decided to hold a Halloween carnival as an alternative to trick-or-treating. Think of today’s trunk-or-treats on steroids — we built an annual carnival on our elementary school grounds. It was better than any traveling carnival — as I remember it anyway. I always bobbed for apples and got caramel apples.

Can you treat yourself to something that brings back great childhood memories?

A favorite food? What brings back a flow of positive memories and joy into your life?

How I spent the third weekend of October...

It was a big, huge week. I returned to broadcasting this week as I joined the news staff of KFDI. This filled my week and my house is a wreck. I either need a maid or free time. I think we all know the maid is coming first! HA!

In my head all week, I wanted to use my Sunday to un-wreck the house. But then today came along...

I chose to worship my Audible and Netflix accounts with mac n' cheese. Sometimes that is the best self-care! Who doesn't need a "do nothing" day? I sure did. It was the call of my soul. When I wasn't at the radio station last week, I was taking my cat to the vet. (She's fine now).

I also tried to purchase another caramel apple at the grocery store. They were all gone!

I'm glad I bought that treat when I did.

Have a great week!

Certified Life Coach, Heather Larson.jpg

  The Little Book of Self-Care: 200 Ways to Refresh, Restore, and Rejuvenate By Adams Media  Buy on Amazon