The 8/2/23 30-minute Yoga Practice to Benefit Stop Soldier Suicide is on YouTube

The 8/2/23 30-minute Yoga Practice to Benefit Stop Soldier Suicide is on YouTube

After yesterday’s video got ZERO views—I realized YouTube probably shadowbanned it since the word “suicide” in the title and on the thumbnail. I’m trying a different tactic today to self-censor the word and put in ******* instead. Sadly, this is the world we live in now.

I can tell you in all honesty my friend who took his life nearly three years ago didn’t search for tips online first. I get why people are concerned about the word; we may be a tad too tight on our censorship these days as SSS is a great charity that is helping veterans lead better lives.

On the brighter side of the Internet, you helped me raise $76 yesterday for this charity!

Here’s what’s happening: I host a 30-minute yoga practice on Zoom each morning LIVE at 9:30 Central. It’s free to attend this all-levels class. I keep it slow and easy, btw. ALL bodies are welcome. If you can’t make the live, it’s OK! I edit the video and post it on YouTube afterward.

In order to receive the Zoom details, sign up for the mailing list.

Here’s today’s practice, if you missed the live. There are also quite a few cameos from one of my Bengal cats, Usul.

Today, we work on opening the heart chakra, or the Anahata. 💚

It’s a slow & easy practice with some sun salutations and warrior poses. We also practice the lotus 🪷 mudra to start.

🙏 Donate to Stop Soldier Suicide