Be Safe This Memorial Day⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 5/30/22

Due to recent events, this is going to be a much different newsletter than usual. "Safety" is top of mind for us in the USA today, on what is a traditional American holiday of remembrance.

We place our focus on the honor and sacrifice of the U.S. armed forces each memorial day. Many also visit those they've lost who didn't serve in the military on this day in order to place a fresh, new wreath or flowers on a grave. If you served in any capacity, thank you for your honor and sacrifice!

In times like these, there are more questions than answers. Many of us are turning off the news and turning within, aching to find some peace. If that is you, know that you aren't alone!

Many of us are reawakening to our purpose right now, aching for community, and having our healer's ears perking up.

I've decided I'll be bringing in-person Reiki sessions back to White Dove in Wichita at the end of June. More details to come!

(Unless you've subscribed already. If you have, then you get the exclusive details below!)


  • Reiki is returning to White Dove
  • ICYMI: Writings about healing
  • What I'm Reading/Watching
  • YouTube Video of the Week

Reiki is returning to White Dove

Because of the way our world has changed, it's time to once again focus on healing.

This is why I'll be bringing Reiki sessions back to White Dove at the end of June. This will look a little different than the way I've done it in the past. So here's a little breakdown of how this will work—for subscribers only.

"Safety" begins with creating stronger communities and being able to support one another through the healing arts such as Reiki, yoga, meditation, and more.

It's time for in-person sessions once again!

I think we need to return to a feeling of safety, belonging, and just getting along with one another. I can do this one small thing, by offering in-person Reiki sessions, and therefore, a sense of community. White Dove, and Dale Martin, have always offered me a safe place full of support and community.

Hopefully, this is a start!

ICYMI: Writings About Healing

There Are No Answers Tonight, Only Reactions

We Know We Need To Heal, So How Do We Do it?

Do 1 small thing to make the world better.

What I'm Reading/Watching:

One of the best astrology videos I've seen all year! Sam Geppi is a Vedic astrologer I've followed since he was a 2007 O.G. getting on social media... Here's a prediction, based on Vedic Astrology, of a dangerous summer ahead. I think Sam presents some valuable food for thought that's non-political and therefore not divisive.

My radio friend Zack Jackson shared an interesting article (with an infographic, which I can't resist) about the future changing role of the social media manager.

Side note: This week marks one year since I signed on at a startup that does social media for B2B SaaS startups! I find working at a startup that serves startups to be the best situation for me because I love the room to move up and the opportunity to wear many hats as my expertise and skills evolve. I 💯 recommend startup life!

Running Twitter for your business? Then you'll want to become aware of these 3 features.

Destiny Architecture YouTube Video of the Week

Thanks for reading my mix of personal development and content creation!

Heather Larson

Certified Coach & Reiki Master