How To Practice Non-Attachment for a Happier Life ⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 10/17/22

How To Practice Non-Attachment for a Happier Life ⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 10/17/22
Photo by Lili Popper / Unsplash

Let's look at non-attachment and—don't forget—Reiki Day is coming up at White Dove!

Today Marks 33 Years Since the Loma Prieta Earthquake

This isn't one of those things you may not remember unless you were in it or involved in it. As a child, my mom and I were in process of moving back home to the Bay Area at the time. It was a day I'll never forget for many reasons.

What are the life lessons from San Francisco's Big Quake of '89?  

The only constant is change. My San Francisco didn't have a Salesforce Tower; it had a double-decker freeway that lay in ruins after 5:04 p.m. on this day 33 years ago.

Let's also talk about the 1989 Bay Bridge and the life lesson that it offers.

You can—and will—rebuild many times over in your life. It's important to make the irreplaceable a priority while knowing the place our replaceable things have. After all, the most important things in life aren't things.

Remember, some were having their best day that day. They were the Oakland A's, San Francisco Giants, and all their fans. Back then, I would have pulled for the A's 😂 But I ultimately became a Giants fan and even worked at the brand new stadium in 2000 for KNBR Radio! You couldn't have told 1989 me that I'd do that!

You never know where life may lead or what can be destroyed in an instant. The very nature of life is impermanence. How are we to navigate an ever-changing world?

By practicing non-attachment.

It's easier said than done and it's one of my biggest struggles in life. As an old saying goes, "Everything I ever let go had claw marks on it."

There are times when we feel helpless and want to control things. We want to control others or attach to a certain outcome in order to have it easier. We sometimes aren't ready for change or simply want to avoid the inevitable pains of life. We can wish to control how others perceive us or whether their behavior disappoints us.

An important question to ask is, "What am I hanging onto?" Or, "Can I surrender this?"

To be honest, I still find it hard to use mantras like, "I am letting go."

Then something comes along, like a natural disaster or some other situation more powerful than we are. Nature is forever trying to convince us of our own impermanence. Call it a right-sizing of our concerns.

Ask yourself:

What can you surrender this week?  

Can you let go and leave space for the possibility that something even better to come along?

Not knowing where life might lead you, can you detach from any certain outcome?

Who Is Really Benefitting From The Creator Economy?

When I started out, creating stuff online was a thankless job.

The stats tell the tale – according to a recent survey conducted by influencer marketing platform Aspire, which incorporates feedback from over 1,700 creators, only 4.3% of them are earning six figures or more per year from their online posts.

First of all, do we need to make six figures? When staring out at anything, do we find runaway success right out of the starting block? Probably not. We're not all Mr. Beast.

I'm not getting rich from social media platforms, but that's not the point. What I am getting is community and interaction I only dreamed of 20 years ago. Twitter helps me validate ideas, YouTube has helped me find an audience, and Instagram is where Wichita locals interact.

I think it's great to create online, build in public, and interact on social media. But I also think we need to have the right expectations and motivations.

Why are we here? What do we hope to gain?

I predict there will only be greater options to earn as a creator online as time goes on. If you're creating for the right reasons with your focus on the long-term, there's no limit to where you can take your content as a creator.

Who Really Benefits from the Creator Economy?
The Creator Economy has become a much bigger focus - but can creators really make a living online?

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YouTube Video of the Week: Let's Practice a Quick Yoga Pose

(with my adorable bengal cat making sure he's on camera)

Reiki at White Dove This Month

Can't wait to see you for some chakra-balancing Reiki this month! 

Reiki day falls on October 29 this month from 11-4. Receive 25 minutes of Reiki for $40 in Wichita at White Dove on the final Saturday of each month.

We'll be balancing your chakras, providing relaxation, and helping you along your spiritual journey.

You can call White Dove to book (316-262-3683), simply walk into the store that day, or you can reserve your time online (and pay ahead) by booking at this link.

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Have a fantastic week and work on that non-attachment thing 😉

~Heather Larson, Certified Coach and Reiki Master