Welcome to my new life coaching blog! [Update for 2021]

Welcome to my new life coaching blog! [Update for 2021]

Edit for 2021: Destiny Architecture is still going strong and I still believe YOU are the architect of your own destiny. From my humble beginnings in a dark apartment working to obtain my 100-hour coaching certification, to a global pandemic and moving everything 100% online — I’ve rolled with the changes. We all have.

What does the name “Destiny Architecture” mean anyway?

Life Coaching & Usui Reiki.jpg


are the architect of your own destiny!

First, the name:

"Destiny Architecture" is my long-running belief that I can be the architect of my own destiny, and so can YOU.

You are the one who draws out your future -- whether it's a map, masterpiece, or a story to write. It's yours to create. You are the architect of your own destiny! You are the one and only person responsible for the life you live. No victimhood here, no blame, no "why me?"

This is the land of possibility. If you're not slightly spiritual, motivated, or think somehow that your life can change for the better -- always -- this isn't the place for you. Martyrs need not read further! Leave the guilt, blame, and pity party behind.

Destiny Architecture is about moving forward.

This is the place for personal development and self-improvement.

2021 edit: Over the years, I’ve added in Reiki, yoga, and meditation. Everything I learned through the school of hard knocks and beyond — I brought right back to Destiny Architecture.

For the moment, this is about my learning experiences as I become a certified Life Coach through the Southwest Institute of the Healing Arts. I am obtaining a 100-hour certification in Life Coaching through SWIHA. I am currently enrolled in the program online and I am loving it! Where was this all my life? Ok, a total rhetorical question there. I know where the school was, but I also know where I was. I wasn't ready.

2021 edit: I completed my 100-hour life coaching certification from the Southwest Institute of the Healing arts, right on schedule, in 2017.

I've actually had the name and idea of Destiny Architecture since around 2008.

This was planned. This was destined. My life took a drastically different path and I wasn't able to enroll at SWIHA as a student for another eight years! But I did attend KC Miller's "Gifts and Graces" program one Friday night at SWIHA in Tempe, Arizona that year and regularly attended the monthly student days. On those days (meaning 2008-2010) treatments at the school by students were $15 and I'd get sessions in polarity, cranial-sacral, and life coaching.

At the time I was still finishing my Boston University BLS, living in Phoenix, working in radio broadcasting, and I was very tired of living in the desert. Life took me to Kansas, where I was brought to sobriety and a completely different life! Now I'm blessed to finally be learning about life coaching!

I'll start by sharing the experiences I am going through as a life coaching student.

The first of my classes was completely awesome. My fellow students became my coaches, teachers, and kindred spirits. The transformation began for me. I downloaded every iPhone app about balance and habits. I utilized every tool from class on myself and others. I roped friends into life coaching sessions for homework. I began using some of the tools of the program in daily life with friends and coworkers. I brought new listening skills to social situations. I became even more observant than before (and I am one of the most observant people you will meet). I bought more planners...I have four now. Eek!

Learning overload came to a head one week when we had a day-long training at work, followed by a weekend of Shoden Reiki Level 1 training for me as I was working on coach classwork. I loved it! It's been six years since I graduated from BU. It's a joy to be a student again! I invite you to join me on this journey...

2021 update: As you can probably tell, much growth and change have come here to Destiny Architecture — as it should be. I’m a coach who never stops learning. Being able to meet amazing people through what I do as a coach and Reiki Master (then yoga teacher in training) has blessed me with so much. Nothing is better than seeing a client have an a-ha moment through coaching, Reiki, or yoga!

Find out if you’re a Destiny Architect!

Through the years, I’ve been able to bring you a podcast, The Fearless 5; a Patreon, countless worksheets and downloads; and I don’t know how many blogs about life coaching, a healthy lifestyle, Reiki, Reiki Regulation, reprogramming your subconscious mind, yoga, changing careers, work-life balance — and more. Thank's so much for reading!