Why are healers always sick?

Why are healers always sick?

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Every master was once a disaster. Every healer was once sicker than hell, at least once or ten dozen times.

Every master was once a disaster. Every healer was once sicker than hell, at least once or ten dozen times.

I know. I ask myself this all the time to the point it’s funny. (To me, anyway).

Why are healers always sick?

When is all this Reiki going to start working on you?

Yeah, Reiki…sure…but you’re sick all the time…

Just a few examples of the drivel I’ve heard from the skeptics, the one’s who’ve pre-judged, so why would I bother to engage?

The time has come to write a blog about it. I’m in a “healing crisis,” a term I believe was coined by Diane Stein in one of her Reiki books (and of course I have both of her Reiki manuals and can’t find the quote now). This was brought to my attention years ago by my own Reiki Masters, Conrad and Donna Jestmore.

So without finding Stein’s definition, here’s mine:

A healing crisis is when you keep getting knocked on your ass continually while trying your hardest to be healthy.

It’s like deciding you’re going to eat super healthy — then you fall ill with a stomach virus. Or you want to start working out but you break a leg. But if you poll my healer friends and I…we’ll tell you we’ve had everything from strokes to all-out near-death experiences. One of my “best” healing crises of all time was getting hit by a red-light runner in November 2014. I literally couldn’t get my poop in a group for two weeks.

It’s when you’re about to overcome some huge obstacle in life and you’re about to hit the next level — but something injures you or you get sick with some ancient plague resistant to all modern drugs. Or something like that.

I’m in a healing crisis.

I was (and am still) about to up-level something huge in life that’s been in the works for years. So what happens? I lose my voice and partially lost hearing in one ear.


What I am learning is I had to lose my voice to find it. (More on that in a future blog, of course).

Back to the original question though — why are healers always sick?

I know it would be great if I were this amazing healer who has perfect health who never gets sick. In that case, I’d be on top of a gorgeous hill in some place like Sedona, practicing out of a yurt and wearing flowing white robes, covered in crystal jewelry. You’d be traveling from far and wide to pay me your life savings knowing I’d cure you on the spot. It would be amazing. But I only know one person like this. His name of John of God and he lives in Brazil!

Sorry, I’m not John of God, y’all. Looks like I need a trip to Brazil myself. <<sips more tea>>

It’s a simple answer. The Universe tortures us healers so we can take what we learned in hell to bring it to you so you suffer less. (Ever notice many of us are ex-addicts?)

It’s some sort of clandestine deal we make with our angels before we come to Earth. “You’re going to be a healer, so you will have challenges to overcome, but it will make you a better healer, so suck it up,” I imagine my angels told me this before I came here.

I went to coaching school and learned from my masters how to do Reiki but they could only teach me so much. There are things healers can only learn through hardship — the suffering is optional. I’ve decided in this current healing crisis that I refuse to suffer. Hardship is fine and I can accept it because I know I’m about to learn so many lessons I can bring to you. There are things healers can only learn through experience. What I needed to learn in this life wasn’t going to be found in school or books.

I’m finding it within.

So why are healers always sick?

Because it’s just the deal. It makes us better healers.