Yoga Teacher Training Is Done—Now Onto *Teaching* Yoga Saturdays at White Dove!

Yoga Teacher Training Is Done—Now Onto *Teaching* Yoga Saturdays at White Dove!

First yoga class as a teacher in the books! 📚

I’ve taken the final exam, taught my first in-person studio class for my final project, and turned in all the paperwork. I’ll be an official RYT-200 as soon as my certificate arrives, which will be in a few weeks. Yay! 🎉 I did it!

Thank you to the students who came in for my very first class on Saturday! Thank you to Dale for letting me teach at the White Dove studio for my final project and for supporting me as a Reiki Master there since 2014!

Thank you to my teacher Steph at Online Yoga School for making teacher training possible during a global pandemic—when I needed it the most.

Thank you to my teachers Eric & Laura for giving me nearly 3 years of online Satsang.

Thank you to my meditation teacher, Nikolai, for giving me the gift of meditation when I couldn’t do asana and detoured into a different limb of yoga after an illness.

Thanks to every one of you who read this blog, come into White Dove for Reiki, read the newsletter, and watch my videos.

Thank you to the friends and family on this journey who repeatedly told me, “You got this!”

The support, feedback, and education I’ve received from everyone has been top-notch. The life I had before I signed up for all of this three years ago no longer exists. I didn’t come through the fires of transformation unscathed, and I’m never done learning. I’d hardly call it “over” or “achieved” as I’ll always be learning yoga. Here’s what I do know.

Yoga Teacher Training is Transformation, Pure & Simple!

It’s not about learning facts to take a test; teacher training is the test. When I started on this road, I was a burnt-out TV journalist in the middle of a global pandemic who was grieving losses left and right. I was out of tune with my body and my life. I wanted to be doing what I do now. I was filled with existential dread and wondered how I’d gotten off my path yet again.

I know what you’re saying. “Where’s the downward dog in that?”

Ha. It was the off-the-mat yoga that saved me again and again over the years. That on-the-mat stuff is just the gateway drug. 😉

Now, I Get To Share Yoga With YOU!

My first class went so well, I’ll be taking up the 11:00 am Saturday time slot at White Dove for the next few months. Come on in for an hour-long all-levels yoga class with me! I can’t wait to share yoga with you (and some meditation and Reiki, too).

On the Saturdays I offer Reiki sessions, I’ll start taking Reiki clients at 12:30 so I’ll have a few minutes to snack and change clothes after teaching yoga.

All my upcoming yoga classes are up on the events page!

Class costs $7 and yoga mats are available. You’re welcome to bring your own mat. Dale does sell classes in packages.

We also have a tarot reader in-store at noon on Saturdays—it will be either Trista or Teresa, who are taking turns.

I can’t wait to see you and teach you yoga while also sharing Reiki!