Your top favorite blogs & stuff from September 2019, Destiny Architects!

Your top favorite blogs & stuff from September 2019, Destiny Architects!

Let’s dig into what Destiny Architects like yourself were really into last month! Personal development is 24/7 around here. From the blogs to the podcast to the Patreon and digital downloads, there’s a TON of cool stuff going on here designed to help you live the life of your dreams — on purpose! Remember, YOU are the architect of you own destiny!

Your favortes from september 2019.jpg

Let’s see…

What you liked most last month!

I love to see what was most popular on the site and on the blog each month. You can ALWAYS reach out to let me know what you like, hate, and want more of on here.

Top Life Coaching & Reiki Content of September 2019

Thanks for hanging out in this personal development corner of the Internet I’ve created! Glad you’re here. Let’s recap the stuff you liked the most in September 2019:

There are only 3 months left in 2019…and in the entire decade…

Are you where you WANT to be? Are you crushing your 2019 goals? If not, let’s talk and let me coach you back onto the path of goal digging into 2020. Get some perspective here.

Hey, you loved Fearless 5 — episode 7 — of the podcast!

This one was about doing something we are all afraid of — living in a silent home. Cutting out TV. Taking the time we would have wasted and spending it on pursuing a dream. Read the Fearless 5 Podcast #7 Show Notes here.

Did I strike a nerve? Or are you down to check out a TV-free life? Listen to episode 7 here.

Ok, what did you love on the blog? Are you liking the Fearless 5 Show Notes? Are you liking the podcast? Do you have something you want me to cover? A certain topic you’re struggling with? Let me know. I’m here for YOU.

STILL your favorite digital download in the Destiny Architecture store and STILL just $3.33! Get started on Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind NOW:

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind Downloadable PDF Worksheet  Sale Price:$3.33 Original Price:$9.99   document.querySelector('.product-block .product-block').classList.add('is-first-product-block');

You LOVED the blog archive!

So glad I built it for you! Yes, at this point in time, I am the person doing all the things. I create the stuff and put it online. So that should give you an idea of WHY I appreciate my clients and readers SO MUCH! Read the archive here.

Honorable mention — the FREE ebook, obviously!

Get your butt into alignment NOW. Not next year. Don’t wait! Get clear on your life today!

Freebies    #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1570232636106_59840 .social-icons-style-border .sqs-svg-icon--wrapper { box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px inset; border: none; }