YouTube Handles Are Finally Rolling Out! Here are the Top 5 Destiny Architecture Videos of 2022 to Celebrate 🎉

YouTube Handles Are Finally Rolling Out! Here are the Top 5 Destiny Architecture Videos of 2022 to Celebrate 🎉
The Destiny Architecture channel has its handle now: 

In honor of this momentous occasion, I'll share my top 5 videos of all time (that aren't Shorts).

Because guess what?

ALL my top YouTube videos are Shorts now!

The Journey on YouTube in 2022

It's almost the one-year anniversary of doing my #ContentStorm, beefing up the podcast with video, and posting those podcasts as videos on YouTube. In January, I started learning to edit videos in Adobe Premiere. Now, the channel has 100+ videos. Here are the long-form videos you've liked best this year (so far).

#5 Yoga for Beginners: How to do Reclined Big Toe Pose

It's no surprise the videos I've put on YouTube showing how to do basic, beginner yoga became the most-viewed. And I'm just getting started!

#4 Yoga for Beginners: Bound Angle Pose

It sounds scarier than it is, I promise...

#3 Yoga For Beginners: How to Do Hero Pose

I am GEEKED that you all love this pose as much as I do!

#2 Yoga for Beginners: Easy Pose

Sometimes, even this one is easier said than done, I don't care who you are. If you have chronic health issues, physical limitations, or lack flexibility—even "easy" pose can be tough!

#1 How to Find Your Niche as a Creator in #Ship30for30

I wrote about this because I did three cohorts of Ship 30 and that helped me find my niche—personal development for content creators. Finding my niche led to the website and blog you're reading right now, which includes a free newsletter that comes out every Monday morning. (Sign up!)

It's my goofy face 👆 that makes this video great, isn't it? Doesn't it just pull you in?

Destiny Architecture is the intersection of wellness + content.

This is where content creators find personal development. Why?

• Because content creators love personal development and fans of personal development modalities like life coaching, Reiki, yoga, and meditation love creating. It's my personal belief (and way of life) that they feed each other.

• You're a better creator when you invest in your own personal development first, whether that's through Reiki, yoga, life coaching, or other healing modalities.

These healing and wellness modalities help you ground, center, focus, and come home to yourself. They all help you become a better vessel for creating.

I currently offer online life coaching sessions to help you with your creator side hustle as well as distance Reiki sessions. Yoga & meditation offerings are coming soon!