Happy 2023! 🎆 Here's a Look Back on my 2022 Content Creation, The #ContentStorm, Using Ghost, and Racking Up Certifications

This is a behind-the-scenes look into my life as a freelancer, content creator, small business owner, podcaster, Reiki Master, life coach, social media pro, podcaster, and podcast publicist.

Read on for some creator inspiration for your new year.

As we head into 2023, I'm more driven to create video content alongside my writing. It's hard to pick just one but I can't deny that video content is where it's at if you want to reach an audience.

Personally, I think you still need your own place on the Internet to house your writing. I'm not about to leave Twitter (or other social platforms) but I'm not about to rely on them either.

Content Creation Lessons From 2022

First of all, I learned that no one wants "just a writer" anymore. If you're a "writer" you're also a content creator who creates photos, graphics, and video. You also edit these things.

You're not a blogger as much as you're an SEO and marketer.

In 2006, I could be "just a writer." In 2023, I'm no longer a writer but a content powerhouse who must constantly learn, grow—and pivot. In 2022, I added PR to my repetoire.

The #ContentStorm Project: A Look Back

I began what I christened a "90-day #ContentStorm" on December 1, 2021. My only goal was to write online for 90 consecutive days to see what consistency would do for me. (You can search the hashtag #ContentStorm on Twitter to follow the journey).

In short, that experiment changed my life. It lasted 150+ days instead of 90 and led me to Ship 30. I did three cohorts of that and even joined the Captain's table for two of those cohorts. I learned a lot and met so many cool people.

Ship 30 led me to Typeshare, more Twitter followers, and also to this site you're on now. Somewhere toward the 150-day mark, I found my niche: personal development for content creators.

I started the Destiny Architecture Blueprint, which is the weekly newsletter attached to this site. Go sign up to get Blueprints in your inbox each Monday morning.

Using Open-Source Ghost For Newsletters, Blogging, and Membership

What's cool about Ghost is that it hosts this site and the Destiny Architecture Blueprint newsletter. Why write a newsletter to languish in my readers' inboxes? Ghost lets me make a blog, a newsletter—or both.

You can read all past editions of the newsletter here on the site. It's kind of like Substack in that respect. But I didn't own my Substack and didn't find success there. People sure weren't looking at past issues of my ConvertKit and MailChimp newsletters even when I did make them public.

But I own this site you're on right now.

Then there's Revue, which didn't help me much either. But it's about to disappear on January 18, 2023! Sure, it was cool the way it integrated with Twitter. But what a pain in the butt it will be over the next few weeks to jump to Behiiv, ConvertKit, MailChimp, etc. Of course, I recommend Ghost. 😉

Coming in 2023, I plan to use Ghost's paid subscription model...more on that soon. (In the newsletter, naturally).

Video Editing: The Skill That Took Me Beyond Being "Just a Writer"

With ~30 days of my #ContentStorm under my belt, I decided to take on video editing. I wanted to add to my skillset and make use of Spotify's new video feature for podcasters.

My first vidoes were horrible! But I kept learning. Never be afraid to suck at something new!

This was my top video of the past 28 days:

(Thank God I've grown my hair out and started getting professional haircuts again!)

But I'm Still a Writer; Here Are My Top Bylines of 2020 & Tools For You

I did a guest post for PrimoStats.com about asynchronous communication for remote workers. They hooked me up with some tools I wanted to share with you.

Read about some TikTok marketing ideas for B2C and B2B.

Here's Part One of my TikTok-for-B2B series and here's Part Two, for Leadtail. These two together are your guide to B2B marketing on TikTok.

Career Certifications You Can Rack Up to Help Your Content Creation Career

I'm ever grateful for my Hubspot certifications and I kept them current this year. I also completed my 100-hour Meditation Teacher Training from Yogamu, which makes me a CMT-100. 🧘‍♂️

The Podcast Has Been Renamed to the Destiny Architecture Podcast

After three years of calling it "The Fearless 5," it just makes sense to rename it to align with the rest of Destiny Architecture. New episodes are coming in 2023. The podcast ended on a high note with TikTok algorithm secrets. 👇

Looking ahead to 2023, I'm not sold on TikTok

The U.S. government seems intent on banning it at most, making its future difficult and/or uncertain in the least. I've long lost trust in Instagram, though I admit to spending more time there since Twiter has gone through Elon pains.

I'll be staying on all short-form video platforms, but spending more time on YouTube (whenever the app doesn't fritz out, that is. It's super buggy).

This was a look back, so I'll spare you my big plans for 2023. Just stay tuned and sign up for the newsletter so you'll be the first to know when you can meditate with me, download meditations, and when I finish my RYT-200!