Some Ideas for Marketing On TikTok—for B2B and B2C

Some Ideas for Marketing On TikTok—for B2B and B2C
Photo by Amanda Vick / Unsplash

Naturally, B2B is asking, "Should we be there?" So I wrote this for Leadtail!

This is part one of two in a blog series we're doing at Leadtail. If you're in B2B marketing, you've scratched your head at some point and wondered if you're missing out on TikTok.

Should we be there? How do we be there? Do we make the CEO dance?

This blog aims to answer these questions and points out there's no need for FOMO if TikTok isn't part of your repetoire.

How B2B Marketers Can Respond to the “TikToking” of Everything
Should B2B brands be on TikTok to stay relevant? Heather Larson explains the trends this platform is inspiring and how they influence your B2B audience.

TikTok has been in the news a lot lately. The U.S. government isn't happy with the short-form video network for security reasons and some want it banned.

Follow Destiny Architecture on TikTok.

You can't deny TikTok's popularity amongst regular content consumers and professionals who create content. The former may never do more than scroll on their app; the latter is finding monetary success there. Many have heard of the fame & fortune Charlie D'Amelio found and now and entire generation wants to be influencers when they grow up.

I've written about TikTok all through 2022. Most often, I've covered it from a B2C angle. I've covered why you need to be on it. I also dedicated an episode of the Destiny Architecture podcast to unpacking the TikTok algorithm with my friend Ken Moskowitz, who has close connections to Vayner Media—TikTok's AOR.

⚡️By the way, shout out to all those who used lightning in the Fountain app to send me sats for that podcast! ⚡️

Ken and I talk about how often you need to post along with what great organic reach it offers. To be transparent, this was recorded in June 2022. There have obviously been changes to all social media algorithms since then.

Right after this podcast, I discovered better reach on YouTube with Shorts, then on Instagram with Reels. The lesson here? Be on all of them and then see which gives you traction.

ICYMI, you can watch it now 👇

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