3 Tips for Better Goal Setting for 2022

3 Tips for Better Goal Setting for 2022

Happy 2022!

Here’s a little-known secret to goal-setting and achieving. You don’t have to wait until New Year’s to make a change. Change is available at any time. As for setting New Year’s Resolutions? Here are a few ways to look at any goals you may be setting right now to help ensure you’re setting yourself up for success.

1. Ask yourself, “Where do I want to be on this date one year from today?”

Then tackle your five and ten-year plans (or whatever amount of years you’re concentrating on planning out).

2. Ask, “Who am I one year from today?”

If you’re not sure where you want to be, then who do you want to be? Consider questions like:

  • What is your title?
  • Who/what do you identify as?
  • What ways have you changed?
  • Who are you? How are you living?
  • Where are you living? How do you feel?
  • What are you doing?

Hint: Write it down on paper so you can edit, add, and eliminate as you plan.

3. Break down your two biggest “have to have” goals.

Decide what you can’t live without having done in 2022. List your priorities.

  • What are your personal priorities? What are your career priorities? Family priorities?
  • Which projects will you prioritize?
  • Now, go over all these lists of ideas.

Now, Focus

Look at everything you just wrote down. What comes across as vague? How can you make these goals more specific? Really drill down on them and think them through. You can even run them through the SMART Goal method or my COMET Goals framework!

COMET Goals Framework—For when you want to make change a habit.

Get the COMET Goals PDF here.

Learn about SMART & COMET Goals together.

If you still need to talk to someone to help you create the best year of your life and hold you accountable, let’s talk. Schedule your complimentary breakthrough session today!