A return to Reiki

A return to Reiki

I never really left Reiki in my own life, it’s always been there.

But I did leave my Reiki business. I stopped going to the store where I offered Reiki sessions -- White Dove in Wichita, Kansas. I stopped doing them in person in Wichita at all. I offered them online-only, wanting to concentrate more on my distance Reiki offerings and adding Reiki to my coaching sessions.

I have never offered Reiki attunements online and firmly believe anyone who does is cheating you. You’ll get a certificate but you’re cheated of the experience. (I’ve already blogged about this years ago here).

This website/blog and its coaching services have been my focus for almost three years now!

I decided I’d put all my Reiki energy into writing a Reiki ebook. I figured I’d just stop offering in-person Reiki sessions and classes for a while. Instead, I’d sit on my meditation cushion with my laptop and let the book happen. I wanted to offer something new (and I still will in time) before I would open up my local Reiki business again.

Make plans, the Universe laughs

But then someone wanted a Reiki session in Wichita, and I said “yes” to the Reiki and to the guidance of the Universe. I just did a session two weekends ago! Yes!

I asked for a sign, waited, didn’t get it, so I moved on. Then, the Universe reminded me signs are on her timing and not mine… haha

So I guess I’m offering Reiki again at White Dove!

This is not to say there won’t be changes up ahead. That’s the adventure of life.

My schedule is insane at the moment and will likely remain that way through at least half of July, if not this entire month. I’ll keep updating my availability on my Acuity page here.

I’m also adding it to the bottom of this post for your convenience as well.

When you purchase a service (Reiki or coaching session) on this website in the store, it doesn’t let you pick a block of time on my schedule like the Acuity link does, so expect some emailing back and forth with me.

When you purchase a downloadable PDF here on the site, it sends you a link to your download that is good for 24 hours.

If you are interested in Reiki or Coaching sessions, but have more questions, just let me know. I have some freedom this month, but won’t be able to honor last-minute requests.

This is as close to “making plans” as I’m going to get because the Universe has NOT stopped laughing at me!

I am hoping to come up with Reiki hours at White Dove so that I can become consistent in my offerings there. I just have no idea what they will be or when that will start. I’m going to just say I hope to make them afternoon hours…Is that broad enough?

More to come…

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