Animals LOVE Reiki!

It’s as though every Reiki table comes with a cat attached to it. Animals love Reiki! All I do I bring out the Reiki table to work on a friend or family member in my home and a cat appears attached to it.
There are some who will say cats just like to get into things. But ask any Reiki practitioner and you will likely hear a similar story about a completely different cat in a completely different home. The common denominator is the same. It’s the Reiki.
I think we can all agree cats are finicky creatures. It’s the same with Reiki as it is with food. The cat is still picky about what feeds it. While Reiki is spiritual food for us all, the cat is not so certain. So what is it cats love about Reiki?
Perhaps it’s a commonality. Studies say cats’ purrs operate at a level of hertz that is healing. Studies show having a cat companion is good for our health. It’s good for our hearts and our kids’ immune systems. Cats are healers. They are also savage killers, manipulators and ever-starving food beggars! But they have healing powers — if and when they choose to use them.

I had a beautiful black cat for 11 years named Alcatraz. He was a husky boy at about 26 pounds in his treat-loving prime. He was a fan of Reiki — but only just so much Reiki. He wasn’t a cat who enjoyed Reiki sessions at length. He liked to receive Reiki for maybe a minute, same as being brushed. But he like to be a part of the Reiki sessions in my home. He loved Reiki so much he demanded to be a part of all Reiki sessions — and a chunky cat seemed to get his way. This gentle giant enjoyed lounging on the Reiki table during sessions, often laying on my clients. Thank goodness these clients were close friends and family who already knew and loved him! If I was the one receiving the Reiki, he preferred to be close to me during the session. Often he would lay directly beneath my heart chakra below the table.

When I first learned Reiki, my Masters told me of how they liked to do it on their dogs and how their dogs loved it. I decided I needed to experience doing Reiki on some dogs, so I headed out to the country to see my parent’s pack. My choices were the black labs, Betty and Wilma, or I could work on the cat, Bam Bam. I thought for sure the girls would love it. They ended up kind of indifferent but not as indifferent as that cat! Surprise. My new little buddy, Oreo the rescue cocker spaniel, however, was just the dog to turn into a Reiki junkie.
My father had adopted him and he had a few behaviors. But by this time, he was fitting in nicely with his new sisters and feline brother. Perhaps the Reiki gave him some love, warmth and peace he had craved during his old life. But I’ve never seen an animal so completely surrender to Reiki like Oreo did! He didn’t want me to stop. It was how I built a foundation of friendship with that dog. Today, my dad tells me you’d never know he ever had issues.

Sadly, Alcatraz passed away last year. My remaining cat, Meeko, can care less about Reiki. She’d rather just be constantly petted and cuddled. Her other choice is to play or eat. But lay around and receive energy? Nah, not Miss Meeko. She can lay around and be lazy without the help of Source Energy, thank you very much.
Enter Roo the kitten. He fell into our life when my friend’s cat got pregnant. We waited for weeks for him to be born. I can assure you, this cat is the most insane animal on the planet. We call him Roo The Ruiner, Viking Cat, insane, savage…you get the picture. This is the cat that makes me never want a kitten again! But in spite of all his behaviors, which are many, he does love to receive Reiki.
My daughter came to visit and her back was aching so I threw her on the Reiki table. Guess who had to be on the table front and center just like Alcatraz used to? Little Roo! He’s good for a few minutes of lounging on the table during a Reiki session. I’m amazed because nothing gets this cat to be still. He can’t be worn out. He’s non-stop. He climbs up curtains, steals cotton swabs, attacks everyone in the house, and runs in circles. Then he falls into the toilet, chases his tail in the sink, and digs in every litter box. But he wants Reiki. Go figure.
Reiki doesn’t seem congruent with his personality at all.

You never know who will gravitate towards Reiki — human or animal.

Reiki Roo Roo .jpg

"Reiki Roo"

When he was little and cute...