🌟  Catch Me One Last Time for a Spooky Fun Saturday of Yoga & Reiki in Wichita!⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 10/23/23

A heartfelt thank you to all who've come in for Reiki over the past 9 years that White Dove has been next to Kellogg. You've blessed me on my Reiki path and I hope I've blessed you too.

I can't believe I'm writing this—it's that time—this Saturday, 10/28/23 will be my final time at White Dove in Wichita. 😭

A heartfelt thank you to all who've come in for Reiki over the past 9 years that White Dove has been next to Kellogg. You've blessed me on my Reiki path and I hope I've blessed you too.

I'm holding space another Reiki Master will come along to take over the Reiki room and be in service of your spiritual journey.

This Saturday will mark my 10th-ever yoga class and I'm so grateful to have begun my teaching journey with you, Wichita. Thanks for coming in to White Dove for my 11:00 class. I hope I've given you a few tricks to take to your yoga mat forever.

Special thanks to Dale for letting me add a yoga class to the White Dove schedule for such a brief time! Dale's support for 9 years of Reiki, my yoga teacher training, and my first 10 yoga classes has been invaluable.

I'm sad to leave, but it's time to head on to my next adventure in life. 🛫

Final Reiki Sessions This Saturday in Wichita

I'm offering chakra-balancing Reiki at White Dove in Wichita one last time—this Saturday!

Half-hour chakra-balancing sessions cost $40. One-hour sessions cost $75.

Halloween Yoga!

Join me for a beginner yoga class at 11:00 a.m. at White Dove. The class will last one hour and costs $7. After class, I can stay for whoever wants a Reiki session. (Or stay and chat about yoga and Reiki!)

🎃 🧘‍♀️ This Saturday, we'll have some spooky-themed yoga. I'll be dressed as a skeleton 🩻 just for fun! Yoga class will have a humerus (get it?) theme. 😉 🦴

White Dove is located at 2947 E. Kellogg (on the frontage road). You can always call us at (316) 262-3683. Walk-ins are always welcome!

(I accept cash, card, CashApp, and Bitcoin lightning ⚡️ payments).

🔮 Saturdays at White Dove, We'll have an Oracle card reader in-store from noon to 4:00! Trista & Teresa are taking turns each Saturday! This weekend, it will be Theresa!

I've really enjoyed getting to know both Trista & Theresa this summer. I really hope you'll come in to get a card reading from each of them (just $20!)

Destiny Architecture® Will Go 100% Online

I'll still offer Yoga, Reiki, meditation, and coaching online as I begin a new adventure!

I'm putting the finishing touches on an awesome beginner meditation course I will be launching on the new website soon. You can book me for coaching, Distance Reiki, and private meditation there. I also offer digital journals for meditation and self-care.

Here's the direct link for Distance Reiki (Enkaku Chiryo) to bookmark 🔖

I'm also working on bringing you online yoga classes! Stay tuned...

The Destiny Architecture® Blueprint is brought to you this week by Paramount+!

Get Paramount+ today! (It's how I watch the Chiefs play).

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Take 1 Minute Now To Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra with Meditation

Subscribe on YouTube 🙏 

Last week's newsletter ⬇️ 

🌟 A First Look at the NEW Website!⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 10/16/23
There are TWO free meditations this week. I hope you will use them (and share them) in hopes we can all cultivate more peace collectively.

The Latest Meditation for Subscribers:

A Guided Meditation to Help with Energy & Motivation
You’re about to create a simple personal mantra you can use to switch up your energy when you’re low, depressed, or stressed.

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

Book a private coaching session, Distance Reiki session, or private mediation session online 👇

Destiny Architecture®