How To Work for Quality Over Quantity! ⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 5/23/22


🐦 What's the quality of your Twitter followers?

🧘‍♀️  Do you do yoga a lot? Does it feel like your practice is "blah" and has lost its meaning? Here's how to get the quality back (without spending any money!)

🤔  How often should you post sponsored content? The Proof is in the...Sprout analytics.

⭐️ ICYMI: Should freelance writers take "test assignments?" Does a daily practice make writing easier? How to handle job burnout?

📺  YouTube of the week: Self-Care for Content Creators!

What's The Quality of Your Twitter Followers?

Are they all bots? Are they people who don't log in anymore? Do they interact with you? Did they follow you to get a follow back before quickly unfollowing?

Well, f*ck a fake friend to that last one. I totally notice when people do that! 😂 Do you? (Or when you follow a "friend" and they never follow back?)

Check out this new, free tool from SparkToro!

Here, I use it to find out I have more quality followers than I thought! See my results and then get your own!

💫 BTW, I love using SparkToro for keywords and social media.

It's one of many tools in my tech stack that I find value in, yet don't pay for. I think we need to curb some of the tech stack craziness! BuzzSumo is another one I don't pay for and I'm giving up on Zapier; I just can't make it work.

When I count up the entire's about a dozen things (not all of them require payment though).

I maintain that you don't need a huge, expensive tech stack of stuff to start out as a content creator!  

YOGA: 5 Tips for Quality Over Quantity In Your Practice That Cost Nothing

I noticed the price of food has really gone up in addition to more obvious things, like gas prices. I think we can all use some ✨free✨ quality enhancements to our yoga practice!

A free (or low-cost) practice will make you more likely to follow through, in spite of those who may say you need the $100 yoga pants to enhance your follow-through. 🙄

Make yoga at home your retreat with these low-cost quality enhancers:

  1. Music: I love Zen That Beat on YouTube. If you have Spotify or Apple Music, the yoga playlists already exist in the app. Here's one of mine on Apple.
  2. My favorite FREE yoga on YouTube is Yoga with Adrienne! Talk about quality instruction with a down-to-Earth teacher. I love her!
  3. Clean your mat! I usually wipe my down with a disinfecting wipe or use dish soap and a wet washcloth. This doesn't seem like much, but it makes a big difference in how I feel on my mat.
  4. It's (almost) summer! ☀️ Take your mat with you to a local park to practice outside. Just be careful this isn't at the hottest time of day, you're protecting your skin, and hydrating. Outdoor yoga will lift your spirits. 😊
  5. Practice Yoga for Beginners (or review the basics) with these instructions I assembled for super basic, easy poses here. I've done yoga since 1996 and I never tire of the basics. They are always there for you!

How often should you post sponsored content? The Proof is in the...Sprout analytics.

81% of consumers will unfollow creators if they post sponsored content more than a few times a week, courtesy @SproutSocial. This is a perfect example of quality over quantity for content creators!

ICYMI: Stuff to Read

Spoiler alert 🚨 I am not finding many people who are willing to take an unpaid "test assignment" as part of a job interviewing process. Those of us who freelance? We don't have time!

When you're burnt out, you think cutting back your hours will help. And it may. But I'm just warning you that if you do that, you'll probably just sleep. (And you probably need it). Read more.

Are you still spring cleaning? Here are 3 blocks to removing your clutter.

Top Destiny Architecture YouTube Video of the Week  

Drumroll.... 🥁 🍣 please! Here's the most-viewed video on YouTube this week!

Ready to give coaching a try? Book a complimentary breakthrough session over Zoom with me here!
