🌟 How Yoga Helps Us Endure Change⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 10/2/23

🌟 How Yoga Helps Us Endure Change⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 10/2/23
Photo by Zen Bear Yoga / Unsplash

Reminder: I won't be at White Dove at all this weekend for yoga or Reiki. I'll see you again next weekend!

The Only Constant Is Change

I don't mean to get all fortune cookie 🥠 on you, but this is true. I find the closer I get to leaving Wichita, the more chaos seems to pop up. The more I clear my physical space, the more issues pop up to be processed & dealt with.

One such issue is DestinyArchitecture.com.

I've had this site for seven years and it's hosted on Squarespace. It was there for me as I transitioned from "You Deserve Reiki" to what is now Destiny Architecture®—a trademarked home for my yoga, meditation, and Reiki teaching (alongside the coaching I've done since 2015!)

If you're not a content creator, this may bore you. But if you are, read on about a cautionary tale...

Read more 👇

The Only Constant Is Change
If you have been a longtime Squarespace user, I have a warning ⚠️ for you!

How will this change affect the Destiny Architecture® websites?

DestinyArchitecture.com will remain online but will undergo a makeover so that I can bring you the meditation course I've been working on as well as future courses.

I'm working on a solution so that (hopefully) the blogs I've posted there will export to DestinyArchitecture.net. Fingers crossed 🤞 this is doable on a timeline I can live with...

So if you enjoy reading the blogs I've written, I hope to preserve those with little manual work on my part. (Please say a prayer 🙏 ).

The events page will go down...

I realize many of you have been checking out the new events page to find out when I'm offering yoga & Reiki at White Dove. Sadly, this page will be lost soon (not sure when).

So I've created a new events page where you can check for yoga classes, Reiki days, and new moon meditations.

Sun & Moon Salutations in Yoga

This simple practice will help you practice both sun & moon salutations. Yes, sun salutations get all the love in Yoga. But with Friday night's Full Moon 🌕 being so gorgeous, I thought I'd share this practice that shares Moon Salutations.

Join Me For Reiki Next Saturday

Reminder: I won't be at White Dove at all this weekend for yoga or Reiki. I'll see you again next weekend, Saturday October 14.

I'm offering chakra-balancing Reiki at White Dove in Wichita through the end of October with the next Reiki Day & 11 am yoga class on 10/14.

October 14, 21, and 28 are the last days I'll be at White Dove for yoga at 11:00 am and Reiki sessions afterward (noon-4:00).

I offer a beginner yoga class at 11:00 a.m. at White Dove. The class lasts one hour and costs $7. After class, I can stay for whoever wants a Reiki session. (Or stay and chat about yoga and Reiki!)

I'll be leaving Wichita after October, so please stop by and say hello at White Dove soon!

I'll still offer Yoga, Reiki, meditation, and coaching online as I begin a new adventure!

If you can't make it into White Dove, reach out to me via the website to link up for a Distance Reiki session. I've created an events page on the main site with all the info you need about yoga & Reiki—both online and in-person.

Half-hour chakra-balancing sessions cost $40. One-hour sessions cost $75.

The Reiki Healing Pathway lasts 90 minutes and includes an aura clearing, healing attunement, and a Reiki session. The cost is $150.

I’m available for Distance Reiki (Enkaku Chiryo) if you can’t make it to an in-person session or want an energy tune-up outside my White Dove dates.

White Dove is located at 2947 E. Kellogg (on the frontage road). You can always call us at (316) 262-3683. Walk-ins are always welcome!

(I accept cash, card, CashApp, and Bitcoin lightning ⚡️ payments).

🔮 Saturdays at White Dove, We'll have an Oracle card reader in-store from noon to 4:00! Trista & Teresa are taking turns each Saturday!

The Destiny Architecture® Blueprint is brought to you this week by one of my favorite things as a Mac user, MacPaw.

MacPaw keeps my Mac running smoothly and has for two years now. 5 stars! Get yourself a copy of the software today.

How Yoga Helps Us Endure Change

You may be thinking, "Ok, you're moving and blowing up your website, so how does yoga help with all that chaos?"

Yoga is the antidote to it!

Yoga helps us to be present, yes. You've probably heard that a lot. I'll preface this by saying I've yet to find a way that yoga and Reiki contradict one another.

Yoga helps us anchor to the present. It helps us learn ourselves as we gather self-awareness. And it helps us breathe through the changes...

Last week's newsletter ⬇️

🌟 Tips to Help You Cope With Anxiety⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 9/25/23
Come into White Dove Saturday and make a day of spiritual healing by taking my yoga class at 11:00 and then setting a Reiki session appointment with me (I have openings starting at 1:00), and getting a card reading from Trista!

The Latest Meditation for Subscribers:

This week, we're exploring the 6th chakra. Listen to the guided meditation, "Unveiling the Secrets of the Third Eye with a Guided Meditation." 👇

Exploring the 6th Chakra: Unveiling the Secrets of the Third Eye with a Guided Meditation
Learn how to tap into your intuition, strengthen your intellect, and use your imagination in a positive way. Listen as I take you through a meditation exercise to connect with the energy of the Third Eye chakra and manifest your desires.

Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you:

Book a private yoga, meditation, or Distance Reiki (Enkaky Chiryo) session.

Choose one of the digital downloads in the store for self-paced personal development.