🌟 Celebrating Your Wholeness⚡️ The Destiny Architecture® Blueprint 4/15/24

You are whole, perfect, and complete as you are.

🌟 Celebrating Your Wholeness⚡️ The Destiny Architecture® Blueprint 4/15/24

The other day, I posted a Q&A on Instagram. I simply asked, "What are you healing?"

I think it's true that we are always healing something on some level. But I also think the "always healing" narrative goes a little too far on social media. I used to think I was "never not broken."

Twelve-step programs love this story. It was when I let go of this story that I finally became fully empowered and life improved. It's OK to succeed! It's OK to get well!

Yes, more healings will come through over time. There's also a grain of truth to the "always healing" story, but it's not the whole story.

What if, instead of the "always needing to be improved" narrative, we flip it?

What if we approach healing, the spiritual path, and personal growth from a new point of view? What if we look within to find our completeness rather than our brokenness?

Here's what this looks like 👇

You Are Whole.
How could life be different if you were to see yourself as healed?

The Destiny Architecture® Blueprint is brought to you by Natural Shilajit.

🍵 Natural Shilajit — This natural resin can help with detox, sleep, and more! Use code "HL" at checkout for 10% off! 

Book Services With Me In Phoenix & Online...If You're Outside The Valley

In Phoenix? Come see me at Urban Wellness downtown! Outside Phoenix? I offer most of my services online (I never teach Reiki online).

Access online services and courses to work with me from anywhere!

Meditation of the Week! 

I told someone the other day that I have 50+ guided meditations online available for FREE, totally ungated, and on a Value 4 Value model. Their face! 🤩 😮 🤯

So many? Freely available?

Yup. 👍

This way, I help more people. And you can pay on the V4V model.

She's right, ya know 😉

Enjoy this V4V Guided Meditation for your chakras ⬇️

7 Chakra Guided Meditation
*The Destiny Architecture™ Guided Meditation is a weekly ad-free podcast supported by subscribers and hosted by meditation teacher Heather Larson.

Is Reiki Right For You? How Does Reiki 1 Work?

I've developed a bunch of content to answer these questions!

First, join the FREE course to learn about Reiki before you sign up. This is also where I'll continually be uploading content for my Reiki students (though never anything related to the symbols, as those are sacred).

The free course should answer a lot of your questions. If it doesn't, please let me know! You can leave comments in the course.

YouTube Video of the Week 

Subscribe on YouTube 🙏 (Like, comment, and share—it helps!) 

Last week's newsletter ⬇️ 

🌟 Eclipse Edition: “Medifestation” Practice Inside!⚡️ The Destiny Architecture® Blueprint 4/8/24
🌚 Every New Moon, I release a New Moon Meditation and Manifestation for you to enjoy via audio and video. It’s a guided meditation & manifestation practice complete with a digital manifestation journal.

Join me on NOSTR!

Nostr is not a social platform, it's a protocol. There's no corporation or customer service, so there's a bit of a learning curve and personal responsibility involved. But owning my own social content and personal responsibility are two of my favorite things.

You can't be the architect of your own destiny if you don't own your sh*t.

So start owning it! Get an NPUB, secure your keys, and start messing around on different Nostr apps.

NPUB: npub1nl8r463jkdtr0qu0k3dht03jt9t59cttk0j8gtxg9wea2russlnq2zf9d0

Learn about Nostr, where you own your social graph and earn Value 4 Value (#V4V) zaps for your content.

Ready to Work With Me Privately?

Book a session with me in Phoenix, Arizona at Urban Wellness downtown. 

Learn to meditate at your own pace with my online course, Meditation for Beginners.

Book a private 30-minute Distance Reiki session or private mediation session online

Get the best of all worlds with a bundle for coaching + meditation + Reiki! 

Take the plunge with a 12-week wellness program for greater peace & clarity in your life. 

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at destinyarchitecture [at] gmail [dot] com.

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Destiny Architecture® Statement About the Use of AI:

This newsletter was written entirely by Heather Larson, a human being. Podcast shownotes courtesy of CastMagic AI