How Reiki Works On The Chakras ⚡️The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 9/19/22

Reiki Day is almost here! We'll see you Saturday from 11-4 at White Dove.

Since we're always working on chakras, let's take a deeper dive into what that entails.

What are chakras?

"A system of subtle energy transformers—similar to the common electrical devices that control electrical energy—operating within a network of systems that compose our subtle energetic anatomy."

-Cyndi Dale

How does Reiki work on the chakras?

Reiki is an intelligent life-force energy channeled by the Reiki Master. As a Master, I use the sacred Usui Reiki symbols to hold intentions as I channel this energy to you.

Reiki works on your chakras—your seven energy centers—by given them the Ki (life-force energy) they need to serve you.

The chakras weren't mentioned by Dr. Mikao Usui. Nor did he practice with them. But I talk about them a lot because it's the thing you most ask me about!

How can I balance my chakras?

The answer depends on each individual. Reiki energy with its intelligence does the "work" as the Reiki Master merely channels the energy. I'll never tell you, "There's something dark lodged in your chakra and you need to pay me $$$ to fix it." That's insane.

What I aim to do is educate you about Reiki, chakras, yoga, meditation, and other healing modalities. You will always benefit from taking time for self-care. Reiki will always help you soothe your nervous system, meditate, rest, and become more self-aware.

When used wisely, all spiritual practices will do that.

[FINAL SATURDAY REIKI] Reiki Day For September at White Dove is 9/24

Receive 25 minutes of Reiki for $40 in Wichita at White Dove on the final Saturday each month.

This month, Reiki Sessions are on September 24 from 11-4! I'll be balancing chakras, providing relaxation, and helping you along your spiritual journey.

You can call White Dove to book (316-262-3683), simply walk into the store that day, or you can reserve your time online (and pay ahead) by booking at this link.

Life Coaching Sessions Are Also Available!

This is my way of offering coaching sessions once a month at a deep discount—and in person—at White Dove. This is ideal if you're new to coaching, want a limited amount of coaching (as in just once a month for 1/2 an hour), or can't afford the full cost right now due to economic hardship.

Like Reiki, the coaching sessions will be 25-30 minutes for $40. You will leave with ONE actionable step you can take towards changing your life for the better. (I will follow up to make sure you take that step, too).

Thanks for reading!

-Heather Larson, Certified Coach & Reiki Master

From Dale at White Dove:

At White Dove for the month of September, all essential oils will be on sale for 10% off.  This includes Sun's Eye, Heritage Store, and R-expo perfume oils.

Ready to get started on a new path in life? Have questions about career changing, content creation, Reiki, life coaching, persoanl development, meditation, or yoga? Get in touch!

Your first breakthrough session is complimentary.