Top Destiny Architecture Life Coaching Blogs of Summer 2019

Top Destiny Architecture Life Coaching Blogs of Summer 2019

I was OUT for July, like dead. But there were still a few blogs I wrote that you loved. Thanks for the love! Since, due to illness, I didn’t do a “Top Blogs of July” like I normally would, I’m lumping summer into one. So I’m combining your most favorite blogs of July/August as we begin the first week of September.

First, an honorable mention —

It wasn’t a blog but a page well-visited. The “Courses” page got some love! It wasn’t top-five, but it was close.

REiki Room 2017.JPG

Learn Reiki 1

and more courses coming soon

Your #5 Fave blog of the summer was the very first Fearless 5 Podcast Show notes:

Fearless 5 logo.jpg

1st F5 podcast

I’d wanted to get this going for a couple years!

Your #4 Fave thing was this blog about my skincare journey…

Yeouth Vitamin C Serum review!

This journey

Is not over…glad to see you love skincare as much as I do!

Every master was once a disaster..jpg


When we came to this planet, we healers didn’t know what we were in for

Your #2 most favorite Destiny Architecture thing of Summer 2019 was…”What I’ve Learned From Six Years of Sobriety.”

6 year sober me .JPG

Still clean & sober…

…after all these years. And oddly y’all were into my story! Thanks!

And the MOST-READ thing wasn’t a blog at all! WHAT!?!?! Ok, you are really into reprogramming your subconscious mind and I LOVE IT!

Currently, I have it on sale for $3.33 — so you know what to do! And if you get stuck, let me know.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind Downloadable PDF Worksheet

sale     Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind Downloadable PDF Worksheet  Sale Price:$3.33 Original Price:$9.99   document.querySelector('.product-block .product-block').classList.add('is-first-product-block');