Don't Wait for the Damn to Break to Move to Higher Ground⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint 3/13/23

I write freelance for tech startups. News broke Friday that Silicon Valley Bank had failed and that the Feds had seized control of it. You can imagine both the flavor and color this announcement added to the Friday of anyone working in the tech sector—and beyond.

A friend who works for ADP told me helping companies make payroll on Friday was...interesting.

Another friend who makes passive income off Etsy sales said her sales were still going through, but she was waiting to see if her usual Monday deposit would happen...or not.

Some wondered if "this is 2008 all over again?"

It's not. It's different.  

As someone who got their butt kicked by that crisis from 2007-2011, here are a few things I know for sure:

✨ You cannot predict what/when the next black swan moment will be (I was a WaMu customer & worked for a major corporation that failed. I was furloughed. It was terrifying) 🦢🦢

✨ Get ready now before it hits—whatever "it" may be

✨ This is a good time to read/re-read "Who Moved My Cheese" 🧀

✨ This is a time to be proactive

About What, You Say? What Should I Be Proactive About?

🔥 Your side hustle

🔥 Your wellness

🔥 Your self-care

🔥 Your mindset

🔥 Pruning expenses

🔥 Building savings

🔥 Perfecting your craft

🔥 Upskilling

🔥 Networking

🔥 Writing your resume

🔥 Following your intuition, you know—those little nudges

If you've read "Who Moved My Cheese," you know that each of us at any point in time can be any one of the four characters in the story. Be proactive and choose. Which one do you want to be?

If you need help with navigating change, I offer that through my coaching.

Learn more about life coaching and set up a 30-minute, no obligation call here.

Stop Scrolling & Breathe!

I hope to see you this weekend at White Dove from 11-4!

Two More Reiki Days Remain This Month in Wichita: March 18 & 25

Come see me this Saturday, March 18 from 11-4! (Bring basketball scores and brackets!) 🏀

Chakra-balancing Reiki happens on the final Saturday of each month (except November/December) at White Dove in Wichita!

Walk-ins are always welcome. White Dove is located at 2947 E. Kellogg (on the frontage road). You can always call us at (316) 262-368.

*If enough people come through on the remaining two Saturdays this monthy, I may consider adding more Reiki Saturdays in the future! It's great to see everyone, so I hope you do come in!

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I spent last week editing and repurposing the BEST of my content from last year. Here's what came from it:

The A-ha Moment That Helped Me Pivot To Remote Work

5 Ways You Can Find The Time To Create Content

So you want to meditate? Just start with 3 deep breaths

How to Use FREE Online Courses To Pivot to a Marketing Career So You Can Work From Home

A Simple Goal Framework for Even the Most Planning-Averse in Only 4 Steps: STAR Goals

Writing Daily Changes Your Writing Habits—From Tech Stack to Personal Growth

3 Simple (FREE of Low-Cost) Tools That Will Help You Meditate Daily as a Busy Woman Who Thinks She Has No Time To Meditate

Why + How You Should Do Your Own 90-Day #ContentStorm

Two Actions the Legacy Media Must Take to Gain More Readers

This Week's Meditation Will Help You Sleep

If you can't see this week's meditation in the player, you're probably reading via email. No worries, use this direct link instead.

Remember: Apple Podcasts is merely one way to subscribe. There are 3 more!

When you subscribe on, you gain access to extra perks:

🫶 Monthly LIVE Meditation on Zoom

🫶 10% off courses & downloads

🫶 10% off Reiki Days in Wichita at White Dove

🫶 10% off Distance Reiki Sessions Online

🫶 10% off Coaching Sessions & Packages

There's now a FREE TRIAL option on Apple Podcasts

Curated Content for Content Creators (Who Also Care Deeply About Personal Development)

There are some pretty good tips in this list by SEMrush for content marketers. I love SEMrush for content like this plus free SEO tools.

Learn about the Impact & Possibilities of AI from the University of South Florida

In 2021, I was one of many who enrolled in USF's free DE&I certificate program through its Muma School of Business. I highly recommend any offering from USF; some are free, like this one. (Though if you want the certificate, you'll have to pay $49).

I'm in a place where I'm skeptical of AI writing because most of it is pretty bad. The writing itself can be poor. The facts are often incorrect. But this also means I've obviously taken Chat GPT for a few spins. I'm also BETA testing Jounce AI. I've found its best use so far is email subject lines for certain client newsletters (not this one you're reading).

But AI isn't going away, so how to harness it? Grammarly and Salesforce are two big-name companies doing it. AI writing is becoming a tool, like it or not. It can possibly save time on low-level and redundant tasks. It can also save cognitive load. Therefore, I'll be taking this course to learn what I can for my own use.

While I've written professionally about AI for some time, that's on the B2B enterprise side. But how can I, as a writer and content creator, find a way to use AI to my advantage? And will the proper use of AI become a skill I'd want on my freelance resume someday? These answers remain to be seen.

LinkedIn has found a unique way to harness AI content

If you get invited to contribute to one of LinkedIn's AI-generated articles, there's a compelling reason to participate.

"Contributors who consistently produce content others rate as insightful can earn a new Community Top Voice badge in their skill area."

Collaborate On LinkedIn With AI-Driven Articles
LinkedIn’s new collaborative articles feature uses AI-powered prompts to encourage users to share knowledge and insights.

Learn about life coaching here.

Learn about meditation and give it a try.

Listen to (and follow) 250+ episodes of the Destiny Architecture podcast.

Snag software discounts, my minimalism eBook, and more.

Need an eBook on personal development or a life coaching worksheet?

Have I helped you with something BIG in life? Spread the love and pay it forward with a testimonial! 😊

Find me on Open Path Healing Arts Collective for life coaching on a sliding scale.

Thanks for reading this week's Destiny Architecture Blueprint! This is the newsletter for content creators interested in personal development. I'm Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified 100-hour Meditation Teacher, & Usui Reiki Master Heather Larson, and I believe being a side-hustling content creator requires a ton of great self-care: Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, and more. So join me on this journey by hitting the "subscribe" button!