Inspiration for Your Side Hustle ⚡️ The Destiny Architecture Blueprint for 8/15/22

Coach Heather Larson pairs your creator economy/side hustle goals with your practices of personal development like yoga, Reiki, and meditation. Coaching you towards a life you can find contentment in 24/7/365. All because you are the arhitecht of your own destiny. Read on for help with purpose & fulfillment.

July Report Card: YouTube Shorts Analytics, Another Medium Fail, & the Instagram Shock!
First, the bad: I made a whopping $0.39 on Medium. Wamp. Wamp. Wamp. My Medium earnings have fallen for two months in a row. Not that they were stellar. I earned, at most, $3.29 in January. When I shared my low earnings on Twitter, people told me I

You can pursue your dreams while helping others with theirs. It's fun, admirable, and even essential on our world today.

I talked to a prospective content client last week who thinks it's cool that I do my own thing with coaching, Reiki, and yoga—as I keep a marketing career going. There are many of us who have a "career" that's hard to define.

I define mine as, "I only take on work I love."

We're not all meant to be 9-5 office workers. Some call it a "slash career," as in, "I'm a coach/marketer." I have a friend who is an author/zoologist.

This woman is a Creative Director/YouTuber 👇

How to be a creator with 200K YouTube subscribers AND work a full-time job - ConvertKit
Find out how design expert Charli Prangley keeps both passions running as ConvertKit’s Creative Director and creator of her design-focused YouTube channel, CharliMarieTV.

I'm sorry there was a glitch in the store!

My apologies if you tried to purchase a shirt from the Destiny Architecture store.

You may have gotten stuck at the shipping selections, but I've fixed that now. You can always reach out and let me know if there's a problem:

Creating shirts is a new thing for me. I believe in building in public, which means sharing wins and losses. I love to show that none of us has this thing figured out yet. You learn as you go.

Never let the idea that "it has to be perfect first" hold you back. In fact, this isn't even an idea—it's a fantasy! In reality, nothing is ever perfect and we should all take the leap anyway.

Happy 6th Birthday, Destiny Architecture!

Talk about imperfect.

Destiny Architecture began with a shoestring budget of both time and money six years ago this week. 🎂

If you've been on this list for a long time, you may remember the first iteration of this, which was called You Deserve Reiki. I started a "blog" full of posts that were more advertorial than useful or even interesting.

I also decided I'd have to master graphic design with Canva because my beautiful graphics would no doubt entice people to check out my business after seeing them on social media 😂

I wrote at length about what I'd do if I had to do it all over again.

In 2016, I began to learn the endless ins and outs of software that could help my business, all while completing my 100-hour coaching certification at the Southwest Institute of the Healing Arts (SIWHA).

I taught myself online marketing simply because I had no money to pay for ads. (Sober coaches working in non-profit/state-sponsored addiction programs made very little money then).

If I were to make it, I'd have to do it with organic reach. To do that, I'd have to offer amazing content.

In the beginning, that content fell short of amazing. But at the time, it was my best and I was very proud of it. I recently began editing or deleting old blogs (the latter of which has been horrible for my SEO).

Through it all, I've been a one-woman show who taught herself everything from scheduling software to the inbound marketing methodology.

I became so good at marketing that I began to freelance in the field! But I still get to coach and offer Reiki sessions. Coaching, Reiki, yoga, and meditation help feed my soul. Helping others utilize these tools is my work to do in this life.

The path is winding and has led to both yoga teacher and meditation teacher training.

I never would have thought that wanting to have my own business would begin as a $30/month side hustle. Or that it would lead to remote work, more freedom, and a more satisfying lifestyle.  

Now, I'm here. And where is here?

It's not a destination. It's a process of learning I've grown to enjoy. I started out wanting to guide others in their transformation as a sober coach. This guided me towards SWIHA! Then, in my pursuit of my 100-hour life coaching certification, I ended up transforming myself.

You never know where a path will lead. I see so many start out wanting guaranteed results. "If I do X for X many times, and put in this amount of work/money, I will certainly receive X by this point on the time horizon."

It's just not that easy.

When you embark on a new path thinking A + B will get you C, you may be disappointed. Or you may find more than you ever dreamed of.

I signed up for yoga teacher training in 2020 and have procrastinated my way through it as many online YTT students do.

I signed up for a program I thought would deepen my yoga practice and show me how to teach others yoga. It has done that. But—again—yoga teacher training ended up transforming who I am.

The certification will come later, but the transformation is happening now!

Yoga Saves Lives Part 2

In our last edition of "Yoga Saves Lives," we learned about a woman who credited her yoga practice with helping her find a tumor. This was due to the level of self-awareness yoga had taught her.

This time? A study shows yoga practice helps lower your risk of dementia. As someone with CJD and Alzheimer's running in both branches of the family tree, this is the kind of thing I sit up and notice.

Best ways to ward off dementia: Read books, do yoga and stay social
A meta-analysis involving 38 studies and 2.1million people has ranked hobbies in terms of their effect at protecting against dementia.

I'm in that 23% category of the study because love to read, listen to music, and write for pleasure.

Running, yoga, and swimming put you in the 17% category.

On the low end, we have a 7% drop in dementia when we engage in activities with others such as volunteering, taking a class, or spending time with loved ones.

It's interesting to see solo activities take up the majority of dementia-busting in this study. Some mix of brain food, exercise, yoga, and community seem to be good for our brains as we age, according to this study.  

Which is the right activity for you? The one you will do consistently, of course!

If You Need Help Getting Started With Any Of The Above ⬆️

Book your complimentary coaching session today. You'll start down a road to better health habits, a side hustle, or even a new career. (Or ALL of that!)

Let’s Talk
Book your complimentary breakthrough session with me. Let’s talk about creating a new architecture for your life + business (content architecture). I’m also offering distance Reiki sessions over Zoom for 25 minutes and $40 focusing on chakra balancing. I’m a certified transformational life coach s…

Save Your Spot for Reiki in Wichita on 8/27 at White Dove!

Receive 25 minutes of Reiki for $40 in Wichita at White Dove on the final Saturday each month.

This month, Reiki Sessions are on August 27 from 11-4!

You can call White Dove to book (316-262-3683), simply walk into the store that day, or you can reserve your time online (and pay ahead) by booking at this link.

Life Coaching Sessions Are Also Available!

This is my way of offering coaching sessions once a month at a deep discount—and in person—at White Dove. This is ideal if you're new to coaching, want a limited amount of coaching (as in just once a month for 1/2 an hour), or can't afford the full cost right now due to economic hardship.

Like Reiki, the coaching sessions will be 25-30 minutes for $40. You will leave with ONE actionable step you can take towards changing your life for the better. (I will follow up to make sure you take that step, too).

Make it a great week and remember:

YOU are the architect of your own destiny!

-Heather Larson, Certified Coach & Usui Reiki Master